Page 24 - ICT Nepal News Issue 01
P. 24

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               As we are in yeor 2077, it is important  to take o step back
            and toke o moment to reflect on all the progress we have
            occomplished over the last the year. ln o year  full  of exciting
            dnnouncements and releoses,  only o handful of companies
            managed  to make o splash  and catch the attention of tech
            aficionodos  qcross  the glabe.


               For many sentimental   its new wireless  AirPods
            fan boys and girls,  20L6 will  that are yet to start
            go down as the year Apple  shipping. Continuing its
            ditched the headphone     port removing streak, the
            jack.Back  in SeptembeL   Big A uncovered  its svelte
            Cupertino confirmed       new MacBook  Pro sporting
            months of speculation     the innovative Touch Bar;
            when it unveiled  the     but abandoning almost
            new iPhone 7 and 7 Plus,  all standard ports in favor
            featuring  killer stereo  of Th u nderbolt-powered
            speakers, enhanced  water  USB-C drives.            the laptop and the mobile  competition  to clinch
            resistance and boosted       Despite initial criticism,  market  -  and that is in  a record-high industry
            camera capabilities-but   it seems  Apple will be   addition  to stacking over  profit for the third quarter
            to the disappointment  of  wrapping  up yet another  20 million  subscribers  on  of 201.6, the revamped
            many, no standard audio   phenomenal year  as       its music streaming service  MacBook  Pro purportedly
            port.                     reports suggest  the      Apple Music.              racked up more sales in five
               As an alternative,  the  company has decisively     While the iPhone       days than competitors  did
            iPhone-maker  introduced  outsold  its rivals in both  7 breezed through the  in ten months.


               After a packed three   releases in both the
            days of announcements,    hardware and the software
            teasers and demos,        departments.
            Alphabet subsidiary  Google  While the Big G kicked
            laid out an ambitious     it off in August with the
            plan for the rest of 201,6  roll-out of Android  Nougat,
            at its flagship Google  l/O  a month later it followed
            conference,  which it hosted  up with the launch  of
            earlier in MayJhe  search  its mobile messaging
            engine  giant delivered   app Allo, which also
            on its promises  big time,  formally introduced  its  #madebygoogle event     guns  though.Along  with
            making  progress on all   mighty Assistant was  in October that Google  the 4K Chromecast  Ultra
            fronts with impressive    not until its hardware    really brought out the big  streaming dongle and its

                                                  Qq  IfiINEPAL  (]anuary  20L7)
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