Page 19 - ICT Nepal News Issue 02
P. 19

Department  of Environment  Audio  NB
                                                                                Agriculture  Commodity  Promotion  Program
                                                                                Audio  NB 16180L5552971
                                                                                Kumbheswor  Technical  School  Audio  NB
                                                                                Udaypur  Cement lndustries  Audio  NB
                                                                                Botanical Garden, Godavari Audio  NB
                                                                                Pokhara Regional  Museum  Audio  Notice  Board
                                                                                Surkhet  Regional  Museum  Audio  Notice  Board
                                                                                Dhankuta  Regional  Museum  Audio  Notice
          fee structures  and other information.  updated and utilized. Youth  players  Board 1618026520248
          lf  concerned staffs of  TU other and audience are  deprived  of      National  Folk  Musical lnstruments Museum
          universities, campuses utilize and  information on activities  of sports by  Audio  N B 1,61801,42427  41.
          update complimentary Audio Notice  delay in utilizing Audio Notice Board  why other museum  are  delaying for more
                                                                                than  two years  to utilize Audio  Notice  Board  to
          Board to inform students and parents  by concerned entities.          inform public  in remote  villages /
          in 3157 villages of Nepal about list  How much  responsible our public
                                                                                NAC Audio  Notice  Board 161807075701O  f or
          of courses, schedule of admissions,  entities are? Updating  of Audio Notice  internalflights
          examination, fee structures and other  Board and websites indicates the  1.61.807  07 33333 for weather
          information,  it will be very efficacious.  degree of responsibility.
                                                                                16L5070766666  for price of vegetables
             Similarly,  newly formed  2l-7 towns  Here dre some  examples:
                                                                                Traffic in Kathmandu Audio  NB
          and 3157 villages  need to update and                                 L6L80L4219641.
                                             Sajha  Prakasan  has started  utilizing  Audio  NB
          utilize Audio Notice  Board to notify  1,618070787825.
                                                                                TIA Audio  NB 1618014L1.3234
          people  effectively.               office of PM and council of Ministers'  Audio
                                                                                Civil  Hospital Audio  NB 1618014107003
             Effectively using Audio Notice  Notice  Boa  rd : 161-807  07 011"11,
                                                                                Manmohan  Cardio  VTTC  Hospital Audio  NB
          Board will  help to  reduce  load  National  Human Rights  Commission Audio  NB  1618014418833
          shedding also. Nepal Electricity
                                                                                Onver Taxi Service  Audio  NB L61-801,41'1'1'81'2
          Authority (NEA) publishes  nofices  Election Commission Audio  Notice  Board
                                             16L801.4239774                       Only selected Audio Notice  board
          to help reducing  load shedding.  NEA
          also send frequently  SMS (short   National  Information Commission Audio  NB  are menfioned to clarify the concept
                                             1_618070782426                    and hoping  the concerned will co-
          message services)  to  help load
                                             Press  council of Nepal L61-8OL4L12678  ordinate to update  them thinking they
          shedding to all mobile. Sending SMS
                                             National  Planning Commission Audio  NB  will be helpful to the public in remote
          to a mobile and reading  to consumes
          less power, however; being sent to                                   villages of federal Nepal.
                                             Ministry of Women,  Children and Social  When others' will be utilizing
          tens of millions of mobiles  and each  Welfare Audio  NB I6L8O1"42OOO82
          reading  each SMS consumes more                                      Audio Notice Board to implement RTI
                                             Ministry  of Youth and Sports  Audio  NB
          poweL indirectly increasing  power  1.61.801.4200542                 to remote villages of Nepal for regular
                                                                               proactive disclosure  and how long we
          consumption  and building pressure  Ministry of Federal  Affairs and Local
          to increase  load shedding in practice.  Development  Audio  NB 1618014200309  need to wait?
          Although unattractive utilizing Audio  Ministry of Finance  Audio  NB 1,67801,421,1,338  By the way, it is quite often found
                                                                               that newspapers  and media cut short
          Notice  Board would have been more  Ministry of General Administration  Audio  NB
          effective.                         L6L80L42003L4                     important  news, views depending
             Printing notice in national daily  Ministry of Peace and Reconstruction  on various  pressure,  available  time,
          or  local newspaper is  necessary  161.801.421.1097                  space eliminafing  essential  points and
          to inform.  However, with so many  Ministry of lnformation and Communication  other  times flaunting  for small issues.
                                             Audio  N B 1-618014200439         One need to authenticate.  The source
          dailies,  FM, TV social media, people
                                             Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil  Aviation  may not be accessible  for all people
          get confused which media to choose
                                             Audio  N B L61801,42L1.669        all time. As Audio Notice Board  is
          listen,  see, check and verify.
                                             Ministry of Agriculture  Audio  NB  updated from authentic  source, it
             National  Youth Council  has utilized  16L8070777779
                                                                               helps to queer rumors at times.
          Audio Notice Board 1.6L801.4253829.
                                             Department  of Printing  Audio  NB
             National Sports council has been  1.61801421.1764
                                                                                         reporf confribution by
          assigned  an Audio Notice  Board,  Department  of Agriculture  Audio  NB
          however it has been delayed  to be  1618015521356                                     Navin Shreslho
                                            [19)  Inf NEPAL  [Vol-1,  Issue-2,201,7)
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