Page 31 - ICT Nepal News Issue 02
P. 31

and governance  fiercely and trying  and restaurants, undertaking  heath
                                             to blur the thin line between fiction  check-ups and security clearance
                                              and the facts and realities of the  th rough biometric  identifi cation,
                                              present day.                       listening  to music and watching a
                                                Aptly designated  today as      film or playing  interactive video
                                             lnternet of Things (lOI) billions of  games could be executed  easily and
                                             people  are conjoined  by mobile and  comfortably.
                                             other  digital devices that possess   The ubiquitous  lnternet has been
                                             enormous processing  power and     charging  the way we live, work,
                                             substantial storage capacity. The  produce and consume.  The evolution
                                             emerging  tech nology brea kth roughs  of lnternet could be deemed as the
                                             and their applications in/of artificial  core engine  of human progress. At
                                             intelligence (Al), robotics and drone-  the heart of the lnternet is a massive
                                             making,  3-D printing,  nano and   amount of data, which are growing
                                             bio-technology, m iracu lous materials  at a rate of 40% per year and would
                                             for energy  storage and quantum    perhaps  upsurge  50 times by 2020.
                                             com  puti ng a re grou nd-breaking  Over half of all lnternet users world-
                United Nations               entities that are modifying our lives.  wide are in Asia. Circa 4.9 billion
                        (tIN) has            Self-driving  cars and virtual assistants  gadgets control  assorted  activities
                                             are influencing our actions.  The  in cars, homes and industries via
            included universal               exponential boost in computing     lnternet.  They would possibly  reach
                       affordable            power and the availability of vast  25 billion by 2020.
             Internet access in              amounts of data and software for      By identifying  the best modus for
                                             discovering  new drugs, algorithms  governing, processing  and analyzing
             its Global Goals,               for predicting cultural  interests are  the data-multitude  the lnternet has
             which would aim                 just phenomenal.  Digital fabrication  been reshaping  public and private
            to reduce pover$t                tech nologies,  com putationa  I design,  sector. Creating  new markets  for
                                             engineering of synthetic biological  business while maintaining  utmost
                 advance health              items, pioneering  symbiosis  between  security of their customers' data,
            andeducation and                 micro-organisms  and our bodies,   businesses  wou ld tailor-ma  ke
                                             novel products for consumption,    products they sell through  digital
             enhance ambient                 arguing  apparels,  conversant  cooking  fi nancial transactions. These
                  environment.               and thought-provoking  buildings   tra nsformations cou ld bestow ideas
                   The Internet              we would inhabit  are the wishful  for exploring new sources of income.
                                             I nternet-generated  concepts.  For  Profound propositions for city car-
               could aidglobal               harnessing the potential  to raise  hire schemes involving interactive
                   development               income levels and improve the      androids and robots could create
                     bybfidging              standard  of life all over the world,  new pa rtnerships, modern istic
                                             lnternet has become  efficiently   financial models  and platforms
                  communities                pervasive  and augmented. Ordering  for bringing buyers and sellers
              together around                a cab, booking a flight, buying  a  congenially  together.
                                             product,  making payment at shops    United Nations  (UN) has included
                      the world.


                                              Mechanization,  Mass production,
                                                                               Computer  and    Cyber Physical
                                            water power,  steam  assembly line,
                                                                                automation      .  Systems
                                                 power          electricity

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