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protection of personal data. People can make their   lacks information and fails to provide enough details
           digital lives safer and lower their risk of experiencing   about its history, ownership, and location. We must
           abuse by keeping their passwords private.           select a platform that supports a positive environment
                                                               and matches our values. We should look for a platform
           Be careful when choosing which platforms to         that has committed to stopping online harassment and
           use                                                 has made protection a top priority. We should check the
                                                               platforms’ reviews to see if there have been any reports
           We must be selective about which platform to use on   of abuse on those platforms in the past. We need to be
           social media so as to protect ourselves from being   aware of platforms that make unbelievable claims that
           the victim of any kind of abuse or harassment. The   seem too good to be true. Platforms that request a lot of
           creation of fake platforms to trick users has increased   personal information, sensitive financial details, or use
           along with the popularity of social media. Every social   illegal methods should be avoided. We must know that
           media platform has a special quality of its own. Some   platforms that are true usually have terms of service
           platforms might be positive and encouraging, while   and privacy policies that are clear and reasonable.
           others might not be. It could be a red flag if a platform
                                                               Recognize how to use the privacy controls on
                                                               each platform you use

                                                               It is essential to recognize how to use privacy controls
                                                               on each platform we use. We should take time to look
                                                               through the settings menu of the platform and find the
                                                               privacy controls. By using privacy controls, we can
                                                               choose what personal information is made public.
                                                               Privacy control makes it possible for us to manage our
                                                               online image and prevent unknown individuals from
                                                               obtaining our personal information. We can decide
                                                               what could happen by sharing any particular content
                                                               publicly. We can control who can contact us, who can
                                                               interact with us, and how visible our posts will be. As
                                                               a result, we can avoid any unwelcome attention or
                                                               negative consequences, send us friend requests, or
                                                               view our personal information by modifying our settings.
                                                               It gives us the power to set boundaries and make our
                                                               own online spaces safer and more welcoming. Social
                                                               media sites frequently change their privacy options and
                                                               features. We can update our settings and make sure
                                                               our privacy preferences are fresh by staying informed
                                                               about these changes and becoming familiar with
                                                               privacy controls.

                                                               As evidence of any cyberbullying incidents,
                                                               save screenshots or saved messages
                                                               As a record of an incident of cyberbullying, we must
                                                               always keep screenshots or saved messages as
                                                               evidence. If we decide to take legal action against
                                                               the bully, saving the evidence will help us build a
               Being cautious about                            solid defense. When reporting cyberbullying to the
                                                               appropriate authorities or platforms, evidence that has
                 disclosing personal                           been saved can help us have a clear understanding
                                                               of what happened. It is simpler to present our case
               information on social                           and ask for help when we have evidence that shows a
                                                               timeline of that particular incident. While reporting the
                                                               incident to the appropriate platform, we can present the
           media is crucial to prevent                         required proof by saving the evidence, which increases
                                                               the likelihood that the platform will appropriately punish
           cybercriminals from using                           the cyberbully by issuing a warning, suspending their
                                                               account, or banning their account. When seeking
            it for unauthorized access                         assistance and support from parents, teachers, school
                                                               administrators, or counselors, saving evidence can
            or to exploit us in real-life                      be extreme. It gives them an understanding of the
                                                               seriousness and character of cyberbullying and offers
                        situations.                            reliable proof that will back up our claims.

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