Page 34 - Third Issue
P. 34

ICT Talk
             ICT Talk

        Hridaya Man Shrestha
        Who is Sanjay Shrestha? Please give me your background,   expressing my words and reactions along with my
        both personal and professional?                       songs, so that I get closer to my well-wishers. I
        I was born in a very simple family. My ancestral home is   don’t use twiter that much, on Instagram I share
        Birgunj. I was born in Janakpur. About 50 years ago we   my songs and musical topics.
        migrated to Kathmandu. I studied in Adarsh ​​Yoghari,
        Lainchaur till class 7. Then I studied class 8-10 in Siddhartha   How about your thoughts on your Music career?
        Banasthali School. I studied in Shankar Dev College till   Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
        B.COM. I was interested in music since childhood. I used to   I started my musical career about 32 years
        sing songs in Deusi Bhailo. Later in 1992, we formed a   ago. At that time, I had to work hard to prove
        group of friends, whose name was Crossroads and it is   myself to everyone. It is easy to earn
        still there. Before entering the singing profession, I    fame but it is difficult to maintain it. I
        was in the travel business. I am active in the field of   am still struggling to protect my name
        advertisement as well as singing. I generally prefer to   and identity with the love given to me
        call myself a simple human being.                           by my well-wishers, and I will
                                                                      continue to do so even after 5
        Let’s talk about a simple technology, what                  years.
        phone do you use daily and why?
        I use Redmi Note 9S android phone, because                     What will be your next
        it is user friendly.                                            forthcoming songs? Are
                                                                       there uses of technology?
        What will buy your next phone? and why?                     Now back to back 4 new
        If I buy another phone in the future, I will buy            songs of mine are coming in
        Samsung’s S 23 ultra, because it has more storage            the market. Now its the era
        as well as its camera and looks is nice.                     of new technology. In my
                                                                      current new songs, some
        Eight of your favorite most-used mobile apps?                  musicians have played
        1. gmail 2. google maps 3. Notes 4. you tube                    instruments from
        studior 5. Esewa 6. facebook 7. Instagram 8.                     America and some
        Music Player                                                      from Australia.
                                                                          All this is the
        You are quite prolific on social media. Huge                       use of current
        on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and any                            technology.
        other platforms. Talk to me about that. How                         Also, I
        do you use the different platforms and how                          have used
        important are they in your daily activity?                          new
        Yes, I am more active on social media. I                           technology
        tend to take more interest in contemporary and political issues   from song arrangement
        around me and in the country and abroad. As an artist as well   to audio mixing in my
        as a citizen of this country, I keep my curiosity about the   upcoming new songs.
        events and news happening around me. If something is wrong,   What kind of
        I oppose it and support what is right. Through Facebook, I am
  34                                          ICT NEPAL (Issue-3, 2023)
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