Page 28 - Third Issue
P. 28

Sound Mixing in Nepali Cinema: An

                                    Evolution in Audio Engineering

                                    Introduction              Balancing Act: The Art of Sound
                                      Sound mixing plays a    Mixing
                                   crucial role in enhancing      At its core, sound mixing is about achieving
                                   the cinematic experience   balance. A skilled mixing engineer carefully balances
                                   and immersing audiences    the various audio elements by panning, placing them
                                   into the world of a film.   in the mono, stereo, or surround field. This involves
                                   In the context of Nepali   determining the position of sounds in the audio space,
                                   cinema, the journey of     such as left, center, right, low frequency, left surround,
                                   sound mixing has evolved   right surround, or anywhere in between.
   By:                             significantly over the
   Sunaya Man Shrestha
                                   years. This article explores  Additionally, sound mixers manipulate frequencies,
        the advancements in sound mixing techniques and       adjusting the brightness or darkness of certain sounds
        technologies, from the early days of mono sound to    to create a desired sonic effect. They also utilize depth
        the introduction of 5.1 surround sound systems.       as a tool to establish the perceived distance and
                                                              proximity of sounds within a given space, enhancing
                                                              the realism and impact of the audio.
        Mono Sound Mixing and the Shift to
            In 1999, the Nepali film industry took a significant   Level Balance and Creative Decision-
        step forward with the establishment of mono sound     making
        mixing within the country. Prior to this, sound mixing    The first aspect that comes to mind when
        for Nepali cinema was outsourced to Mumbai. The       discussing sound mixing is level balance, which refers
        introduction of mono sound mixing in Nepal allowed    to the relative loudness of different audio elements.
        filmmakers to have greater control over the audio     Skilled mixers carefully calibrate the volume levels
        elements of their movies and reduced the dependency
        on external resources.

        Understanding Sound Mixing in Cinema
            Sound mixing in cinema refers to the process of
        combining multiple audio tracks onto a composite
        sound track, synchronized with the visual content. It
        involves using a specialized console equipped with
        separate controls for each track to adjust loudness
        and various aspects of sound quality. The primary
        objective of sound mixing is to achieve a harmonious
        balance between different audio elements, creating a
        cohesive and immersive auditory experience.

                                                              to ensure that dialogue, music, sound effects,
                                                              and ambient sounds blend seamlessly without
                                                              overpowering one another.

                                                              Another critical aspect of sound mixing is making
                                                              creative decisions about which audio events should
                                                              be featured or downplayed. This involves determining
                                                              when dub sound, foley, or background music should
                                                              take prominence to enhance the storytelling or create
                                                              specific emotional responses from the audience.

                                                              The Emergence of Surround Sound
                                                                  With technological advancements, the Nepali
                                                              film industry embraced the transition from mono
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