Page 31 - Third Issue
P. 31


        When approving friend and follower requests,
        be careful                                          Educate yourself on online safety

        We must be aware that the online world and the offline   It is very important that today’s youth learn about
        world are different from one another. We run the risk   online safety. We must be aware that, besides giving
        of letting people who could be harmful into our circle if   people a platform to interact with one another, it also
        we accept requests without giving them time to think.   provides a path for plenty of online crimes. It allows
        Accepting friend or follower requests from strangers   people to behave responsibly online, make informed
        gives them access to our social media content, pictures,   choices, and evaluate information discovered online.
        and private data, which can lead to circumstances like   Knowing about online security helps us use the internet
        identity theft and fraud. One should not accept friend or   privately. It informs us of the dangers of revealing
        follower requests without knowing a person’s intention   personal information online and encourages us to
        due to the possibility that they might be spreading   choose wisely when it comes to settings for privacy,
        false information or having ill intentions. We can build   sharing of information practices, and online actions.
        lasting bonds and have meaningful interactions by being  The importance of maintaining a good online image is
        selective and approving requests only from people
        who share our values and interests. Accepting friend
        or follower requests from people with suspicious online
        identities or acts might affect our public image or how
        other people view us.

        Avoid interacting with suspicious accounts in

        Engaging in conversation with suspicious accounts puts
        us at risk of security risks like hacking, fraud, or virus
        installation on our devices. The person behind these
        accounts might attempt to win our trust to obtain our
        personal information. They might use that information
        against us, which could be a threat to both our mental
        and physical wellness. We might be giving them
        personal information without realizing it. This can lead to
        negative outcomes. Engaging with suspicious accounts
        diverts our focus and energy from other important
        tasks. These accounts might send us emails with
        potentially dangerous links and attachments. We help
        maintain the online community’s ethics by staying away
        from interacting with suspicious accounts. Avoiding
        interactions with false or misleading information helps
        prevent others from making the same mistakes or
        getting fooled by fraudsters.  It encourages everyone
        to use digital devices in a more secure and reliable

        Put a stop to it and report

        If we experience cyberbullying, we should report it   made clear in online safety education. By being aware
        and block the bullies right away. By doing this, we   of the possible negative impact of sharing inappropriate
        can prevent others from becoming the next victim.   or harmful content, responsible online behavior is
        Bullies must take responsibility for their behavior and   promoted. We can confidently explore the online world
        understand that it is unacceptable. The victim can   and reduce the risks related to our digital identities by
        create a safer online environment and lessen exposure   acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills.
        to harmful content by blocking and reporting the
        offender. By speaking up against cyberbullying, we can   Passwords should be kept private.
        build a safer and more pleasant online community for
        all. Online communities can become more unified and   Even the most trusted individuals should not have
        supportive by blocking and reporting cyberbullying.   access to our passwords because doing so opens us up
        In some cases, bullies often struggle with personal   to various forms of abuse and harassment. Cyberbullies
        problems or issues to overcome, which affects how they   often make use of stolen or leaked passwords to disrupt
        behave in a negative way. By reporting cyberbullying,   someone’s privacy and share private and embarrassing
        experts and authorities can take action to help the   information in public. By protecting passwords, people
        bullies and the victims, focusing on the root cause and   can significantly reduce the chance that such personal
        attempting to find a solution. If cyberbullying is not   information will be discovered, limiting the resources
        reported, it can make victims feel alone, helpless, and   available to cyberbullies. It also allows people to
        afraid to reach out for help.                       maintain control over their online personalities, lowers
                                                            the danger of abuse and fraud, and helps in the
                                              ICT NEPAL (Issue-3, 2023)
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