Page 33 - Third Issue
P. 33


                           Cybersecurity Acronyms

        Acronym                      Definition                               Acronym      Definition

         AES           Advanced Encryption Standard             PII          Personally Identifiable Information
         API           Application Programming Interface        PKI          Public Key Infrastructure
         APT           Advanced Persistent Threat               RAT          Remote Access Trojan
         AV            Antivirus                                RCE          Remote Code Execution
         BYOD          Bring Your Own Device                    RDP          Remote Desktop Protocol
         CAPTCHA  Completely Automated Public Turing            SaaS         Software as a Service
               test to tell Computers and Humans Apart          SIEM         Security Information and Event
         CISO          Chief Information Security Officer                    Management
         CSRF          Cross-Site Request Forgery               SOC          Security Operations Center
         CVE           Common Vulnerabilities and               SSH          Secure Shell
                       Exposures                                SSL          Secure Sockets Layer
         DDoS          Distributed Denial of Service            SSL/TLS      Secure Sockets Layer/Transport
         DLP           Data Loss Prevention                                  Layer Security
         DMZ           Demilitarized Zone                       TCP/IP       Transmission Control Protocol/
         DNS           Domain Name System                                    Internet Protocol
         DoS           Denial of Service                        UTM          Unified Threat Management
         DRM           Digital Rights Management                VAPT         Vulnerability Assessment and
         EDR           Endpoint Detection and Response                       Penetration Testing
         FTP           File Transfer Protocol                   VLAN         Virtual Local Area Network
         GDPR          General Data Protection Regulation       VPN          Virtual Private Network
         HIDS          Host-based Intrusion Detection           WAF          Web Application Firewall
                       System                                   WEP          Wired Equivalent Privacy
         HTTP          Hypertext Transfer Protocol              WPA          Wi-Fi Protected Access
         HTTPS         Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure       XSS          Cross-Site Scripting
         IDS           Intrusion Detection System
         IoT           Internet of Things
         IPS           Intrusion Prevention System
         IPsec         Internet Protocol Security
         ISO           International Organization for
         IT            Information Technology
         LAN           Local Area Network
         LDAP          Lightweight Directory Access
         MAC           Media Access Control
         MDM           Mobile Device Management
         MFA           Multi-Factor Authentication
         MITM          Man-in-the-Middle
         MSSP          Managed Security Service Provider
         NAC           Network Access Control
         NAT           Network Address Translation
         NIST          National Institute of Standards and
        OSINT          Open Source Intelligence
         OTP           One-Time Password
         PGP           Pretty Good Privacy

                                              ICT NEPAL (Issue-3, 2023)
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