Page 41 - Third Issue
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To protect the identification of people based on characteristics quantity of personal information you
specific individuals, aggregation that shouldn’t matter, including share on social media sites and other
combines data at the individual level gender, color, religion, or political websites because it may be used to
into bigger groups. Generalization inclinations. defraud you or steal your identity.
entails substituting particular
values for more general ones, for as Likewise, there are significant Recognize and manage privacy
substituting ages for age ranges. worries regarding how and by settings: Learn about the privacy
whom this data might be used as options available on the platforms
Whilst de-identification and a result of AI’s capacity to observe and services you use. Change these
anonymization can aid in the and follow people’s behavior. Data settings to restrict the gathering and
protection of privacy in AI might, for instance, be used to sway sharing of your data, and if you can,
applications, they are not perfect. voters’ opinions during election think about choosing not to receive
Through the use of cross-referencing campaigns, possibly compromising targeted advertising.
anonymized data with publicly the democratic process. The Value of
accessible data sources, it is still Privacy in the AI Era A basic human Be Alert for Phishing Attacks: Be
feasible to re-identify certain right is the right to privacy. It makes wary of emails, messages, or phone
people. Additionally, even from it possible for people to have control calls requesting private information
partially anonymized data sets, over their personal information from you or directing you to click on
skilled attackers employing machine and to block unauthorized access dubious links. Before sending any
learning techniques can still identify to it. The emergence of AI poses personal information, make sure
personal information. a completely new threat to data the request is legitimate. You should
security and privacy. Massive also refrain from clicking on shady
To ensure that personal data cannot volumes of data about people are links or downloading anything from
be re-identified, it is crucial to gathered and analyzed by AI systems, unfamiliar sources.
combine several anonymization and frequently without that people’s
de-identification techniques and awareness or consent. This poses a Protect your domestic network:
carefully analyze their performance. serious risk to one’s privacy and may Establish a strong password, enable
To ensure that data stays anonymous result in the exploitation of personal network encryption (such as WPA2
and de-identified over time, routine information. or WPA3), and frequently update the
audits and updates must also be software on your router to make sure
carried out. your home Wi-Fi network is safe.
In broad terms, anonymization In the era of AI, maintaining security
and de-identification methods are is essential for safeguarding your Make use of secure Wi-Fi networks:
essential for preserving individual private data and keeping your online Be cautious when connecting to
privacy in AI applications. Despite identity private. Here are some public Wi-Fi networks when using
their shortcomings, they can greatly crucial security procedures: the internet away from home.
lower the risk of data breaches To encrypt your internet traffic
and privacy violations when used Frequently update your software, and shield your data from any
in conjunction with other privacy- programs, and hardware with the eavesdropping, use virtual private
preserving techniques and vigilant most recent security patches and network (VPN) services.
“ security of your systems and helps Create regular backups of your
firmware updates. This improves the
The Impact of AI on Privacy and
guard against known vulnerabilities.
vital data and keep them secure by
Personal Data
doing regular backups of your data.
hardware failure, theft, and other
Don’t use the same password on
AI systems’ acquisition of personal Use Strong and Unique Passwords: This safeguards your data against
data poses serious risks to data different platforms. Instead, use unanticipated circumstances.
security and privacy. It is extremely strong, unique passwords for each of
concerning that hackers and your accounts. To save and manage Stay Up to Date: Keep up with the
other cybercriminals could have your credentials safely, think about most recent developments, threats,
unauthorized access to the personal using a password manager. and best security practices. Maintain
data that AI systems store. Similarly, Turn on two-factor authentication a regular awareness of new security
to this data breaches happen when (2FA) whenever you can. Requiring dangers, and take the appropriate
businesses neglect to protect their a second form of verification in actions to adapt and safeguard your
customers’ data, endangering their addition to your password, such as a online presence.
right to privacy. Therefore, protecting code delivered to your phone, offers
data privacy is crucial while using AI an additional layer of protection. You can improve your security in the
systems. Additionally, AI can profile age of AI and better safeguard your
people based on the data gathered, Take Personal Information Carefully: data and privacy online by adhering
which may result in discrimination. Be cautious when sharing personal to these best practices.
It becomes simple to group information online. Reduce the
ICT NEPAL (Issue-3, 2023) 41