Page 38 - Third Issue
P. 38


           Privacy in the Era of


                                                                        Varsha Das
               n the era of artificial      a balance between innovation and    privacy and personal data, how it
               intelligence (AI), the       protection.                         affects privacy breaches, and what
               gathering and analyzing                                          steps people and governments may
               of massive amounts of        As Artificial Intelligence (AI)     do to strike a balance between
       Idata has become a regular           continues to take center stage, it   innovation and protection.
        occurrence. Technology has become   has become a crucial component of
        an integral part of our daily lives   our daily routines. AI systems are   Innovation and Protection in
        in this modern age. We use it to    altering how we approach work and   Balance Artificial intelligence (AI)
        communicate with each other,        solve difficult challenges, as well as   have been gaining ground recently
        conduct business transactions, and   making our lives more convenient.   and is already broad in all aspects
        even control our homes. One of      However, as AI becomes more         of our daily lives, from smart home
        the latest technologies that have   common in our daily lives, there    appliances and virtual assistants to
        transformed our lives is Artificial   is an increasing worry about data   healthcare and banking. Although
        Intelligence (AI). It has made      breaches and privacy concerns.
        our lives more comfortable and
        efficient, but at the same time, it   AI depends on data to function
        poses significant challenges to our   properly, and some systems
        privacy.                            gather, store, and analyze huge
                                            quantities of data from various
        Artificial intelligence (AI) is a   sources. By tailoring experiences,
        technology that allows machines     this can improve our lives, but it
        to accomplish jobs that would       also poses a serious risk to our
        normally need human intelligence.   privacy and personal information.
        It entails the application of       For instance, information
        algorithms, data, and machine-      obtained through social media
        learning approaches to enable       profiles, online communications,
        machines to learn from experience   and public records may be used
        and make decisions. AI is applied   maliciously and threaten our right
        in a variety of industries, including   to privacy.
        healthcare, banking, education,
        and transportation. While AI        The rise of AI has highlighted
        systems have the potential to       the need for stricter laws to
        enhance our lives, they have also   protect data privacy and stop data   AI has received praise for its
        raised concerns regarding privacy   breaches. To ensure individual      effectiveness, use, and ease, it
        violations and data breaches. The   privacy and data protection,        has also sparked worries about
        more data we share with AI, the     governments around the world are    data leaks and privacy issues.
        more vulnerable we become to        increasingly proposing or revising   We become more susceptible to
        various forms of cyber-attacks and   legislation on data privacy. People   various types of cyberattacks and
        exploitation. Although there are    have the right to manage and        exploitation the more data we share
        obvious advantages to employing     safeguard their data thanks to laws   with AI.
        AI, there are substantial privacy   like the General Data Protection
        problems that must be addressed.    Regulation (GDPR) of the European  “
                                                                                Data Collection and Surveillance:
        Therefore, it is crucial to examine   Union.                            Data collection techniques made
        the importance of privacy in the era                                    possible by AI and how they affect
        of AI and explore ways to balance   It is crucial to consider the value of   privacy rights. Examine subjects
        innovation and protection. In this   privacy in the era of AI as the use of   like online surveillance, location
        article, we will delve into the role of   AI systems grows. To guarantee that   tracking, and facial recognition.
        AI in privacy breaches, the impact of   a person’s right to privacy is upheld,
        AI on privacy and personal data, and   it is crucial to implement policies   The development of artificial
        the importance of privacy in the era   that strike a balance between    intelligence (AI) has made it
        of AI. Ultimately, we will explore the   innovation and protection. This   possible to collect data at previously
        measures that must be taken to find   article will examine how AI affects   unheard-of rates in a variety of
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