Page 39 - Third Issue
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industries. While businesses,       significantly affect individuals’   ethical questions raised by the
        governments, and people have        right to privacy. People may be     possible exploitation of personal
        benefited greatly from this, there   exposed to having their personal   data gathered by AI systems.
        are rising worries about the possible   information acquired without their   Targeted advertising, identity theft,
        effects on privacy rights. A large   knowledge or consent if sufficient   cyberbullying, and other forms
        amount of data may be gathered      regulation and safeguards aren’t in   of exploitation can result from
        by AI systems from a variety of     place, which could result in privacy   improper access to or exposure to
        sources, including social media,    violations. To ensure that data     this sensitive information.
        online activity, and public records,   collection and monitoring activities
        to mention a few.                   are open, secure, and comply with   Beyond AI decision-making, the
                                            privacy regulations, governments,   problem of bias and discrimination
        Facial recognition software is      and enterprises must adopt          also affects the creation and
        a tool with AI capabilities that is   appropriate legislation and privacy   application of AI systems. Systems
        used to gather data. By identifying   policies.                         that do not accurately reflect
        people based on information                                             the needs of all possible users
                                            Ethical Implications of AI: Ethical
        gathered from a camera or video  “                                      may be created by developers
        footage, the device uses face       implications of AI about privacy,   who unintentionally introduce
        recognition algorithms and could    taking into account concerns like   biases based on their values or
        jeopardize their privacy. Concerns   algorithmic bias, discrimination,   preconceptions or who fail to
          regarding the possibility of abuse   and the potential exploitation of   involve stakeholders from diverse
               and privacy rights violations   personal data.                   backgrounds in the development
                    are raised by the                                           process.
                          frequent usage    Artificial intelligence (AI) has the
                                of this     potential to completely change the   A crucial factor should
                                            way we live; it also raises serious   be ensuring
                                             privacy-related         ethical

        for security,
        marketing, and law                                                                             ethical
        enforcement purposes.                                                           procedures in the creation
                                                                                    and application of AI systems.
        Location tracking is a further                                              To stop bias or discrimination
        method of data collecting made                                             from persisting, an ethical
        possible by AI. This technology is                                      framework must direct the creation
        widely used in mobile applications                                      and application of AI systems.
        to provide consumers with tailored   issues.                            This can be done by taking steps
        experiences like weather updates,   Numerous of these    issues are     like conducting routine system
        restaurant recommendations, and     connected to discrimination, bias,   audits, making data collecting
        directions. However, the frequent   and the improper use of personal    and algorithmic processes more
        sharing of the gathered personal    information in algorithms.          transparent, and involving a
        location data with outside parties                                      wide range of stakeholders in the
        raises questions regarding abuse    Algorithmic bias refers to the      development process.
        and illegal access.                 practice of treating some persons
                                            or groups in an algorithmic         Results showed that to ensure
        To provide targeted advertisements   decision-making process unfairly   that AI systems do not perpetuate
        or enhance user experiences,        or unequally. To function properly,   bias or discrimination or misuse
        internet monitoring is a prevalent   AI systems rely on data, and if that   of personal data, it is important
        practice that involves observing    data has inherent biases, such      to address the complex ethical
        consumers’ online actions. Although   biases may be propagated in the   issues surrounding AI and privacy.
        this method is used to increase     decision-making process. This       To represent the interests of all
        personalization, it creates special   may result in prejudice towards   users and safeguard their privacy,
        issues about individuals’ right to   certain people or groups based on   it is critical to set ethical rules for
        privacy.                            attributes like race, gender, religion,   designing and implementing AI
                                            or ethnicity.                       systems. Regular audits should also
        AI-enabled data-collecting tactics                                      be carried out to spot any potential
        that are more widespread may        Furthermore, there are serious      biases.
                                              ICT NEPAL (Issue-3, 2023)
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