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                                                                                                  Varsha Das


                                       IN NEPAL

        Lord Buddha Education Foundation (LBEF)

        Founded in 1998, the Lord Buddha Education Foundation (LBEF), With over 1,000 students right
        now, the college has continued to grow from its modest beginnings to become one of Nepal's
        finest colleges of higher learning. Over the years, the LBEF Group of Institutions has produced
        over 7000 graduates who are now working as bankers, IT specialists, business owners, managers,
        and leaders in their fields of interest.  LBEF Campus is known as ‘The First IT College of Nepal’.
        The objective has always been to establish a benchmark for education delivery that guarantees
        the growth of a well-rounded personality in students so they can stand out, compete in the modern
        world, and demonstrate their value at their place of employment. Today's student needs to
        possess the soft skills required to succeed in addition to the academic degree they are pursuing.
        This is what LBEF has strived to provide as an educational institute and has achieved to a great
        extent over the years since its establishment.

        Our Commitment

        ‘All good things & ideas have a beginning.’ At LBEF, we have sown the seed of knowledge that has
        been growing into a large beautiful tree and has been providing knowledge to all. We firmly believe
        education is an integral part of the growing process. It is, therefore, our constant endeavour to
        provide the best facilities and resources to the student community. There are only two lasting
        bequests we can hope to give to our children, one being the roots and the other, wings; ‘both of
        which can be achieved only through sound education, towards which we are morally bound’.

        About University

        Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation (APU) is among Malaysia’s Premier Private
        Universities and is where a unique fusion of technology, innovation, and creativity works effectively
        toward preparing professional graduates for significant roles in business and society globally. Asia
        Pacific University of Technology and Innovation (APU) is an approved Malaysian Higher Education
        Institution registered by the Ministry of Higher Education under the Private Higher Education Act
        1996 (Registration Certificate Number DU030(W)). APU has earned an enviable reputation as
        an award-winning University through its achievements in winning a host of prestigious awards at
        national and international levels.
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