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Our Promise

                                                                     Together with our top-notch faculty,
                                                                     we provide a nurturing environment
      •  Received “The SMU Award-2008” in                            to help students evolve into leaders
          2008.                                                      who think boldly, make effective

      •  Received “The SMU Award-2009” in                            choices, and are well-equipped with
          2009.                                                      futuristic mindsets and skills.
      •  First College in Nepal to Launch BCA/
          MCA/BIT/MIT/MBA(Banking) Programs.
      •  Imparted computer training to 500
          students on behalf of the Ministry of
          Science & Technology, Nepal Govt.
      •  Imparted computer training to 6800                          Rated No.1 in Asia
          girl students under WFE and AGWN                           and Malaysia
      •  Developed TPIS (Teacher’s Information                       With more than 12,000 students
          System) for the Ministry of Education,                     from over 110 countries, we ensure
          Nepal Govt.                                                that you will gain memorable
                                                                     experiences alongside the
      •  Completed Data Entry into TPIS on                           diversified and colourful cultural
          behalf of MOES.                                            environment.
      •  Completed scanning and data entry of
          vehicle records into vehicle information
          system on behalf of Dept. of Transport
          Management, Nepal Govt.
      •  Completed data entry of Land details                          Courses
          on behalf of the Ministry of Land and
          Reformation, Nepal Govt.
      •  First graduation ceremony in 2010 and                       •  SCHOOL OF BUSINESS
          continuing henceforth, by eminent
          Nepalese personalities like Rt. Hon’ble                    1.  BBM (Hons) - 3 Years (6
          Vice President, Mr. Parmanand Jha,                             semesters ), 123 Credit Hours
          Rt. Hon’ble Prime Minister, Mr. Madhav                     2.  BBM (Hons) – E-Business - 3
          Kumar Nepal, Hon’ble Minister of                               Years (6 semesters ), 123 Credit
          Education, Mrs. Chitralekha Yadav,                             Hours
          Government. of Nepal.                                      3.  MBA - 2 Years (4 semesters ), 63
      •  Our associate College for Professional                          Credit Hours
          Studies Pvt. Ltd. has been recognized as                   •  SCHOOL OF COMPUTING
          one of the Highest Tax Payers by Inland
          Revenue Department, Janakpur, Nepal in                     1.  B.Sc. (Hons) Information
          2012.                                                          Technology - 3 Years (6
      •  More than 10000 students have already                           semesters ), 123 Credit Hours
          graduated from the LBEF Group of                           2.  B.Sc. (Hons) in Cloud
          Institutions.                                                  Engineering - 3 Years (6
                                                                         semesters ), 123 Credit Hours
                                                                     3.  M.Sc. ITM - (4 semesters ), 63
                                                                         Credit Hours

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