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P. 33


    Prateek Sharma Kharel             NATIONAL /




                  irinchi College is One and Only BICT running college in Nepal with specialization in Software
       VVirinchi College is established with the objective to bridge the education with industry. It has been
        consistently offering global standard education for Nepalese students to become job ready since 2015.
        Besides internationally recognized degrees we offer various valued skilled courses that has significantly
        high demand among the industries. Our consistent effort is towards design and upgrade curriculum which
        inculcates lifelong learning attitude among our students. Our effort is to attract probing learners and offer
        them unparalleled learning exposure and experiences.


        We are affiliated to Asia e University (AeU), COLLABORATIVE MULTINATIONAL UNIVERSITY,
        established under Asia Cooperation Dialogue (ACD) with support of 34 Asian countries.
        BICT and MBA courses at Virinchi offers students boundless opportunities to pursue their passions and
        collaborate on solving complex global problems.
        Virinchi College always believes in building cognitive skills in all Virinchians, thus preparing workforce for
        the future able to acquire and implement knowledge for dynamic environment. We offer relevant courses
        for the current and future job market. We are working to leverage pedagogical strategies and technologies to
        develop students’ critical thinking, creative abilities, entrepreneurial and communication skills.
        Location :
        Virinchi college is located in Lalitpur city, in the vibrant street of Kumaripati.

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