Page 16 - Cloud Chronicles Fifth Issue
P. 16

cloud-specific features. It   and containerization   cloud migration called   or partially rewriting apps,
               involves moving workloads  tools. For improved      rebuilding entails rewriting   replatforming adapts
               to the cloud without      management, this strategy  programs to fully take use   apps for the cloud during
               making any changes,       necessitates rebuilding   of cloud-native technology.  migration. Refactoring
               making it the simplest type  apps and dividing them   To take use of the      involves making an upfront
               of cloud migration.       into microservices.       scalability, performance,   investment for better
                                         Although initially more   and cost advantages of    user experiences and
               2. Replatforming          expensive, the advantages  the cloud, it necessitates   cost effectiveness while
               Rehosting is a method of   include better user      throwing out current code   optimizing apps utilizing
               moving apps and systems   experiences,      cost    and architecture. This    cloud-native technologies
               to the cloud that requires                          strategy entails building   and microservices.
               little modification                                 a brand-new application   Rebuilding is an ambitious
               to on-premises                                          in the cloud, which   method that involves
               setups. Its goal                                            makes it perfect   rewriting applications
               is to streamline                                                for situations  to take full use of
               migration by                                                        when      cloud-native benefits.
               utilizing cloud                                                        old    By utilizing modern
               scalability                                                                   cloud technologies,
               and cost-                                                                     this technique enables
               effectiveness. To                                                                unmatched scalability,
               mirror the current                                                               performance, and cost
               setup, applications are                                                          reduction.
               frequently duplicated
               on cloud VMs or                                                                 Hybrid cloud, which
               containers.                                                                      combines on-premises
                                                                                               and cloud workloads,
                                                                                             and multi-cloud, which
                                                                                 programs    uses several providers
                                                                                require      for a variety of purposes,
                                                                               reworking     are two additional cloud
                                                                               or are        migration options in
                                                                              incompatible.   addition to the primary
                                                                             The most        four ways. To select the
                             Businesses                                  expensive           best plan, organizations
                           looking                                   choice, it uses         must evaluate their
                       for immediate                               cloud-native ideas like   requirements. It is usual
               cloud advantages without   savings,                 serverless computing      to combine techniques
               significant code changes   and an innovation culture.   and microservices to   for several purposes. The
               can benefit from this     Refactoring comprises     produce a highly flexible,   digital era encourages
               strategy because it       fundamental adjustments   adaptable, and robust     companies to increase
               allows for quick migration   to apps that optimize their   system. Businesses can   productivity through
               with little disruption.   architecture and coding to   resolve technological debt,   tactics like the adoption
               However, it might not fully   make them more cloud-  get around constraints,   of public clouds, which
               maximize cloud efficiency.   friendly.              and construct scalable,   provide scalability, cost
               Rehosting is simple and                             future-proof applications   savings, and data security.
               cost-effective, but lacks   Microservices, serverless   by rebuilding.        Analyzing the compatibility
               cloud-specific features.   computing, and cloud-                              of workloads and present
               It’s the easiest type of   native databases might   Various approaches to     infrastructure before
               cloud migration, involving   all be utilized. By using   scalability, performance,   moving to the cloud is
               workload transfer without   this method, auto-scaling,   and cost reduction   essential. Successful
               alterations.              pay-as-you-go pricing, and   are included in cloud   cloud migration is enabled
                                         seamless cloud service    migration. Applications   by the correct tactics,
               3. Refactoring            integration become        are moved to the cloud    which also result in
               Refactoring is a technique   available. While hard and   through a process called   streamlined operations,
               for moving programs to    expensive, restructuring   rehosting, which offers   financial savings, and
               the cloud that entails    enables apps to utilize the   ease and affordability   competitive advantages.
               enhancing them for        latest cloud features.    but only modest
               cloud-native features                               efficiency advantages. By   Businesses can use many
               utilizing frameworks like   4. Rebuilding           redesigning, implementing  strategies and frameworks
               serverless computing      A thorough approach to    cloud-specific services,   to transition their

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