Page 14 - Cloud Chronicles Fifth Issue
P. 14

Although teaching clients how to    in sensitive sectors have peace    KP: Although moving programs
               use the cloud was difficult, cloud-  of mind, ensuring their data      and data to the cloud has
               stored data made responsibility     remains confidential, secure, and   benefits. The procedure is made
               and access easier. It was           compliant with all relevant legal   simpler by gradual migration,
               difficult to get clients to believe   and regulatory frameworks. This   security emphasis, and beginning
               in and use the cloud. Moving the    dedication forms the foundation    with minor jobs. The migration
               platform to the Intel platform is   of their cloud services, allowing   plan is guided by specific goals
               still a difficulty.                 organizations to leverage          like cost savings. Effective
                                                   cloud benefits while mitigating    resource management and cost
               ICT: With the rise of edge          associated security risks.         reduction eliminate unforeseen
               computing, data centers are                                            costs. Tools for monitoring assure
               becoming more distributed.          ICT: How do you keep your          efficient cloud usage.
               How is your company                 company staff updated
               adapting to support edge            with the latest skills and         ICT: Has the government
               computing requirements              knowledge required to              helped with anything
               while maintaining                   manage cutting-edge cloud          regarding what you and
               centralized control?                infrastructure?                    your company are doing?

               KP: Adoption of data centers        KP: Our commitment to human        What contribution do you
                                                                                      think the government
               has been sparked by the advent      resource development includes      should make regarding this
               of edge computing. For better       hiring young graduates and         subject?
               speed and real-time processing,     placing a focus on internship
               edge computing includes             programs. We provide training      KP: Although the government
               spreading computation and           in sales, marketing, and new       hasn’t directly subsidized
               storage closer to the network       technologies by working with       data centers, legislation has
               edge. The objective is to provide   colleges like Thames, Islington,   safeguarded intellectual property
               cloud services to provinces         Prime, and Kantipur City College.   and data security. It might do
               from a main hub in Kathmandu.       Teams of interns with similar      this by supporting research,
               In accordance with a five-year      expertise, such as security,       enacting safeguards, and
               dispersion plan, implementation     networking, and systems, are       providing incentives for edge
               has started in Birtamod and         formed. This continuing work       computing and data centers.
               Biratnagar based on utility and     promotes the development of        Transparency and co-location
               customer needs.                     competency.                        are priorities. In order to improve
               ICT: Data privacy is a              ICT: What advice would             society and workplace practices,
                                                                                      the government’s responsibility
               concern for many cloud              you give to organizations          involves guaranteeing secure and
               users. What measures does                    planning to migrate       responsible edge computing and
               your company have in place                     their data and          data center implementation.
               to protect the privacy of                       applications to        ICT: Lastly, what do you
               customer data and comply                        the cloud for the      want our readers to know
               with data protection laws?                      first time?            about cloud computing and
               KP: Cloud users, particularly                                          its importance?
               in regulated industries
               like healthcare, banking,                                              KP: Cloud computing, which
               and government, face                                                   includes servers, storage,
               significant concerns                                                   databases, software, and more,
               about data security and                                                provides various computer
               privacy. To address                                                           services over the Internet.
               these concerns,                                                                  Users who read online
               organizations                                                                     come across cloud
               have implemented                                                                  technologies. Users
               stringent data privacy                                                            and data centers
               measures that align                                                                both contribute to
               with international                                                                 the security and
               laws and regulations.                                                              privacy of data. It
               They invest in                                                                      is essential and
               robust security                                                                     everyone has a
               protocols, encryption                                                                responsibility to
               techniques, and                                                                      maintain account
               comprehensive                                                                         security. All users
               access controls. This                                                                 should be aware
               commitment to data                                                                     of data privacy
               protection ensures clients                                                             tools and
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