Page 18 - Cloud Chronicles Fifth Issue
P. 18


                Prateek Sharma Kharel

                              Cloud-native Architecture:
                                       Building Applications for the

                                                      Public Cloud

                        reasonable       Cloud-native applications   organizations using the   Microservice
                        next step after   utilize microservices    public cloud, including   Microservices architecture
                        moving to the    architecture for          faster and more efficient   is a strategy where
               A public cloud is         independent               app creation and          applications are divided
               to switch to a cloud-native   development,          deployment.               into smaller, independent
               architecture. The term    deployment, and                                     services that can be
               “cloud-native” describes   scalability. These apps   By employing cloud-native   deployed and scaled
               a strategy in which       can adapt to changing     concepts, organizations   independently. These
               applications are created   organizational needs and   may improve their agility,   microservices focus
               and tailored expressly for   handle traffic volumes   scalability, and resilience,   on specific business
               cloud settings, utilizing   without compromising    enabling them to react    features and interact
               the native features       performance. They are     quickly to changing       with each other via
               and services provided     more agile and powerful,   market demands and       defined APIs, allowing
               by cloud providers. A     allowing organizations    offer an effortless user   for greater adaptability,
               vital aspect of moving    to quickly respond to     experience. Cloud-native   agility, and fault isolation.
               to the public cloud is    changing consumer         applications provide      Microservices are
               adopting cloud-native     expectations. Cloud-      organizations with        crucial for cloud-native
               architecture. Utilizing the   native apps utilize the   flexibility and scalability   development as they
               inherent scalability and   scale and flexibility of the   to adapt to changing   allow organizations
               flexibility of the cloud   public cloud, enabling   client demands and        to create durable and
               environment means         organizations to become   dynamically adjust        scalable applications,
               creating applications that   operationally agile and   resource allocation. They   effectively utilizing cloud
               are specifically made for   accelerate product and   use microservices, small,   resources and managing
               it. Organizations may     service delivery. Cloud-  independent components    varying workloads. They
               fully take advantage      native frameworks         that can be created,      facilitate concurrent
               of the flexibility and    and technologies,         deployed, and scaled      development, testing,
               scalability provided      such as containers        separately. This approach   and deployment by
               by cloud platforms by     and microservices         streamlines development   allowing development
               designing and building    architecture, enable      procedures, builds and    teams to work on
               apps expressly for cloud   faster and more efficient   deploys applications   multiple microservices
               settings. Organizations   application development   more quickly, and utilizes   simultaneously. The
               can improve their         and deployment. This      public cloud capabilities   modular approach
               operational efficiency    DevOps strategy           to create scalable,       also improves fault
               and fully benefit from the   emphasizes observability,   robust, and efficient   isolation, ensuring that
               scalability and flexibility   cloud provider services,   applications. It includes   a single microservice
               provided by the cloud by   elasticity, and scalability,   serverless computing, as   doesn’t affect the
               implementing a cloud-     offering numerous         well as containers, and   entire application.
               native design.            advantages for            microservices.            Microservices also enable
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