Page 24 - Cloud Chronicles Fifth Issue
P. 24

ICT Talk             ICT Talk with
                                     Naresh Bhattarai

                                              ICT Nepal’s team feels that Naresh
                                              Bhattarai is a Nepali citizen working
                                              to make a positive impact in the media
                                              industry. He is a songwriter, producer,
                                              presenter, journalist, and scriptwriter. He
                                              has been involved in various television
                                              commercials, feature films, and music
                                              videos. His aim is to contribute as much
                                              as possible to this field.

                                                  Hridaya Man Shrestha

               ICT: Let’s talk about      ICT: What will your
               a simple technology:       next phone be? and
               what phone do you          why?
               use daily and why?         NB: I made the choice
               NB: I first started        to purchase the most
               using smartphones          recent iPhone model
               with Android devices       because I’m committed
               because of its             to remaining current
               streamlined user           with technology.
               interface. I eventually    Despite owning an
               switched to iPhones        Android phone as well,
               though. It’s become a      I constantly find myself
               yearly ritual for me to    drawn to the iPhone.
               upgrade to the newest      Basically, I want to
               iPhone model.  Now, I      utilize and stay up-
               currently use the iPhone   to-date with the most
               14 Pro Max.                recent iPhone model.      ICT: Eight of your         contact.
                                                                    favourite most-used        Telegram: Allows
                                                                    mobile apps?               access to chats on
                                                                    NB: Some of my             multiple devices.
                                                                    Favourite, mostly used     Instagram: A free picture
                                                                    Mobile apps are:           and video-sharing app.
                                                                    Facebook: A popular        YouTube: A free video-
                                                                    mobile app for             sharing website that
                                                                    connecting with family     allows for easy creation,
                                                                    and friends online.        uploading, and watching
                                                                    Messenger: Allows          of online videos
                                                                    real-time communication    HamroPatro: A cultural
                                                                    through texting, calls, or   tool for Nepali dates and
                                                                    video chats.               events.
                                                                    Whatsapp: A private        Pathao: Offers a range
                                                                    messaging and              of app-based services
                                                                    telephone app that         like ridesharing, and
                                                                    allows for maintaining     food delivery.
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