Page 20 - ICT Nepal News Issue 01
P. 20
they have much more government offices and sea of un-trusted INGOs of maintaining
opportunities using it. courts of law. Application processes. electronic good governance
It helps all government code is like gold dust to At last, the digital by ending wrongdoings
agencies across federal attacker's it can provide Signature would be a while receiving and
government and state and targeted run-time access milestone in the initiative provid ing services including
localgovernment move to high-value data that is of the government, non- fake signature as well as
to paperless processing not otherwise protected. govern ment orga n ization, documents. ln a nutshell,
basically giving relief from Although,Crypto token fi nancial institutions, NGOs, using Digital Signature
manual process in support based security may saves time, money and
of their mission for Digital sound incongruous environment.
Nepal transformation as a solution to Author: Chief
strategy. lt fastens software and Operoting Officer of
the government work cloud-based Nepal Certifyi ng Compa ny
significantly as, hundreds vulnerabilities, it
of daily transactions can remains a tried-
be performed in short and-tested
duration with full security. anchor of
Digital signatures provides trust in
a uthentication mecha nism the
and acceptability in various vast
Model of Digital Signature
As mentioned earlier; of data is created. Since
the digital signature the hash of data is a
scheme is based on unique representation
pu bl ic key cryptogra phy. of data, it is sufficient to
The model of digital sign the hash in place of
signature scheme is data. The most important
depicted in the following i Fublic i reason of using hash
illustration - !**ni instead of data directly
The following points signature key are then . For verification, for signing is efficiency of
explain the entire process fed to the signature this hash value and the scheme.
in detail - algorithm which output of verification Let us assume RSA
. Each person adopting produces the digital algorithm are is used as the signing
this scheme has a signature on given compared. Based algorithm. As discussed
public-private key pa ir. hash. Signature is on the comparison in public key encryption
. Generally, the key pairs appended to the data result, verifi er decides cha pter, the encryption/
used for encryption/ and then both are sent whether the digital signing process using
decryption and to the verifier. signature is valid. RSA involves modular
signing/verifying are Verifier feeds the . Since digital signature exponentiailon.
different. The private digital signature and is created by'private' Signing large data
key used for signing the verification key key of signer and no through modular
is referred to as the into the verification one else can have this exponentiation is
signature key and algorithm. The key; the signer cannot computationally
the public key as the verification algorithm repudiate signing the expensive and time
verification key. gives some value as data in future. consuming. The hash of
. Signer feeds data to output. the data is a relatively
the hash function and Verifier also runs It should be noticed small digest of the data,
generates hash of same hash function that instead of signing hence signing a hash
data. on received data to data directly by signing is more efficient than
. Hash value and generate hash value. algorithm, usually a hash signing the entire data.
[20) IITINEPAL [fanuary 201.7)