Page 13 - ICT Nepal News Issue 01
P. 13

Pr*f*ssi*nal tareer Tlmeline

        ffi               Blrar*a  Sainik  Awmiya  l'4*evidyalaya
                         ffi m

                                                       {, ctrnrc  t"'vr. lro.
                                                  -        High Level commission  fry Infrmation Tecl'rolory
                                                      t        sace  Time  hbiwonk Fvt' Ltd'
                                                          m    Ralnbsy"r  FM Pvt, Ltd  (lrlepal rM 91's/t-t)

        Nepalis living in foreign  2008, everybody asked me  developed a road map to  to government.  However,
        land. lworked  in Nepal   to take responsibility  as the  open district chapters  of  government  refused  to give
        FM for six months. After  Secretary  of CAN and I was  CAN. At that time, we had  us federation  membershiP
        my experience in different  elected in the post.    only CAN Lumbuni  and CAN  under National Direction
        workplace,  I slowly  thought  After becoming       Kavre.                    Act. Later I became
        of being an entrepreneur.  secretary  at CAN it took   I became  general      president of CAN and I
        So, in 2007 opened my     me almost two years to    secretary  of CAN in 2008  successfullyturned  CAN
        own com  pa ny--Electron ics  understanding CAN, its  to 2010and  during the  to CAN Federation under
        and Communication         work and  ju  risdictions.  period we were able to  Orga n ization Registration
        Engineering  Pvt ltd and  CAN was among the         establishzonal  and local  Act. Currently, I am serving
        started career  as managing  organizationsthat      offices. I became  second  third year of my three  Year
        director  of the companY.  lobbiedfor  lT Policy  and  vice-president  in 2010.  tenure.
        The company basically     Ministry  of Science  and  We then slowly felt the     CAN today has 56
        focused  on trading of    Technology.  CAN had      need to develop CAN as    district branches  and
        electronic  products. And  influence on government  a federation  and make it  almost 35 of them are
        later I also established  policies  as well. Guided  an umbrella organization  operating smoothlY  in
        Green  lT Solutions  which  by positive  thinking  and  of all lT companies  of the  full fledge. However,
        is anlT service  based    agendasCAN  succeededto   country. CAN could be     operating district branches
        company.                  be better and established  made federation  either  is not so easY.But,  we
           BibekShamser JBR       itself. CAN's major aim was  under National Direction  have targeted to oPen our
        who was the then  general  to penetrate information  Act 2018or Orga nization  district branches  in all 75
        secretary  of the ComPuter  and technology  in remote  Registration  Act 2034. We  districts. Similarly,  we have
        Association  of Nepal  (CAN)  areas as lT products and  studied and found that  also amended our CAN's
        was also the consultant of  services were taken as  going to federation  through  statue as per the federal
        the High Level Commission  something luxurious thing.  National DirectionAct  system that the countrY
        for lT. Evaluating  my work  To avoid this concept,  we  would  increase our access  has adopted.
         performance,  he urged me
        to become  the member
         of CAN. On his request,    ElNl  ,   Become Computer Association  of Nepal  (CAN),  President  on 2012
                                   Coilfrt?i  }!fii.{ios
                                     pf  liEf.{L
         I accepted  the urge and
         became  member of CAN.ln  trlt![s    Expand  CAN to CAN Federation  on JanuarV  2015
         2006, CAN had its election
         and officials in CAN                 Become Asian Oceanian  Computing lndustry Organization  (ASOCIO),
         purposed me to become      {iA5of;t
                                              Secretary  & Vice Chairman  for the Tenure 20L6-2018
         executive  committee
         member of the association
         and I was selected  too. ln          Board of Director for the Tenure of 20L7-20L8
         another  Election  of CAN in

                                               t13l  ImNEPAL  fJanuary   20t7)
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