Page 11 - ICT Nepal News Issue 01
P. 11

automated  vehicles,  at least among  might start to bridge  the gap
        some cities.                       between homes and public transport
           "lt is being  led by fierce     hubs, allowing  passengers  to travel
        competition  among the Bay Area's  more conveniently and safely."
        big three transportation companies:   "As connected vehicles  become
        Tesla, Uber; and Google. Tesla is  more common, we will start to see
        expanding  its Fremont  factory    real-time status  information  from
        to increase vehicle production     central  traffic management systems
        up to 500,000  cars a year. Tesla  being shared with people,  through
        is also providing regular updates  their cars. Data can already be
        to their Autopilot' automated      combined from sensors in vehicles
        vehicle capabilities as a software  to generate real-time  information
        upgrade for Tesla vehicle owners.  on current  road conditions, traffic,
        Uber  is continuing  its move toward  and accidents,  and in 2017 smart
        having an automated,  on-demand    cities will prepare  themselves  to take
        vehicle service. Google  is working  advantage  ofthese  new data sets.
        to get their technology  into mass  This will help to make life easier for
        production.  This is a very exciting  everyone  working,  living,  and visiting
        time as market competition         the cities, from helping  to avoid
        accelerates the timing and rapidly  traffic  jams or crowded areas,  to
        improves  the quality  of automated  finding  a parking  space," Salinas  said.
        vehicle choices,"  said Hans Larsen,
        public works director  for the City of  Decoding  it all
        Fremont, CA.                          Kurtis McBride, CEO at Miovision
           Sol Salinas,  connected cities lead  believes that it is difficult to predict
        at Accenture Mobility said, "There  exactly which technologies might
        will be an emphasis  on 'last mile'  mature enough  to have  a widespread
        connectivity  as 2Ot7 is used to plan  impact in the next year, but is safe to
        ahead for technologies that are    assume  that the way people move
        currently  in pilot phases,  such as  about their cities and interact with
        autonomous vehicles. Autonomous    different parts  of mobility networks
        neighborhood fleets, for example,  will see some major shifts.
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