Page 18 - ICT Nepal News Issue 02
P. 18


          Rightly informin$ people in

         villages help Buildins Efficacious

          Responsible Nepal !

            New technologies  are coming    before final voting in November  201,6  frequently consumed  our time.
         and being replaced by better ones.  showed only 44 percent believed     Although using complimentary
          For first day of January 2O!7 soft  accessing  Facebook  for  authentic  Audio Notice Board technology
         launch of 4G was made  available   news.  Similarly,  10 percent  believed  and regularly updating it with right
         for post paid mobiles in Kathmandu  in accessing,  only 4  information  in right time earliest  the
         and Pokhara.  4G has been availed  percent  believed in Twitter and other  better by public or private  organization
         at prices of 3G. Fiber to the home  social media were believed by 1,  can notify people in 3157 villages  and
         (FTTH) is made available  in main cities  percent or less. Although  there seem  217 towns of all 75 districts of Nepal,
         and towns of Nepal. Government     around  30 to 40 social media sites  very few CEO (chief  executive  officers)
         of Nepal has plan to lay fiber optic  competing worldwide.           , executives  , stakeholders are aware
         to various  places in steps. These    Hence,  we need to think and   of it. Most colleges  delivering  10+2
         technologies  avail broadband  access  rethink about promoting  use of  education are using it just to notify
         in Nepal.  While people  are impatient  social media.  Proper use is of course  closure of their institution in case of
         with service  delivery, we need to  welcome and  Mark Zuckerberg     political 'bandha'  , strikes etc. Why
         adopt intermediate technologies of  Facebook also responded that     not use it and timely update it inform
         which are feasible and which can be  Facebook is  working to  develop  people helping implementation of
         implemented  as earliest as possible.  mechanism to discourage fake news  RTI ( right to information) and regular
            People need information  earliest,  and prevent their propagation.  proactive disclosure for the benefits
         fastest  and as accurate  as possible.  Thirdly, ADHD (attention deficit  of people in villages and all over.
            lnternet and social media  have  hyperactivity  disorder) syndrome   An example of Radio  Nepal  Audio
         been engaging growing number is  found to  be growing  among         Notice Board  1G18070700000  has
         of students,  people across Nepal  youngsters as communication gap   been giving authentic news in Nepali
         and world. However; broadband      between  generation to  generation  which helps to queer rumors at times.
         technology will be limited to urban or  widens.                      We need to ask Radio  Nepalto update
         sub urban areas only. Secondly, social  All most all ministries,  departments  it regularly and more frequently as
         media have been found to be used and  of Government  of Nepal, NGOs have  required.
         misused  widely.  Leading social media  launched web-site. However, how  Similarly, if  news is  available
         like Facebook  have been accused  for  many of them are updated  in time is  in Audio Notice Board for widely
         diffusing and propagating  fake news  questionable.  Ministers of  present  spoken  languages as English, Chinese,
         in campaigns  of recent election of  government  have been involved  in  Japanese, Korean, it  will facilitate
         president of United states of America  announcing launch of Apps for few  visiting tourists  and students.
         in 2OLG more than ever before.             ministries, departments,     Audio Notice Board can suffice as
         During the  campaign  a                      yet  has the  delivery  audio web -site partly when there is
         reliable survey just                           of  services  been    no access to broadband etc.
                                                         efficient?              Tribhuvan  university (TU) is Nepal's
                                                             Long  queues     first and largest university  Gavin 42
                                                          to  pay bills, get  faculties.  Yet students and parents
                                                          licenses, passport,  find difficult to know list of courses,
                                                          fuels         have  schedule of admissions,  examination,

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                                           [iB] If*I NEPAL  [Vol-1,  Issue-2,  201,7)
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