Page 13 - ICT Nepal News Issue 02
P. 13

I EEE    lnstitute for Electrical and Electronic  Organization
         ACK      Acknowledgement         Transport  and other layers    Engineers
         ACL      Access  control list    Security, application  layer  IETF  lnternet Engineering  Task Force  Organization
         ADSL     Asymmetric  digital  subscriber  line  Telecom  IMAP   lnternet  Message  Access  Protocol  Application  layer
         AES      Advanced  Encryption  Standard  Security      IP       lnternet Protocol       lnternet Layer
         ANSI     American  National  Standards lnstitute  Organization  IPS  lntrusion prevention  system  Security
         ARP      Address Resolution  Protocol  Link  layer     rs-rs    lntermediate  System to lntermediate  lnternet  Layer
                                                                         System  (routing  protocol)
         ATM     Asynchronous  Transfer Mode  Telecom
                                                                ISDN     lntegrated  Services  Digital  Network  Telecom
         BGP      Border Gateway  Protocol  (routing  Application  layer, Routers
                 protocol)                                      ISP      lnternet service  provider  Telecom
         BSS     Basic service set (Wi-Fi)  Wireless            ITU-T    I nternational  Telecomm  unications  Union  Organization
         CAT     Category (e.g. CAT-5  cable)  Physical  layer  kbps     Kilobit  per second     Physical  layer
         CCITT  (obs.)  Standards  organization  that has been  Organization  LACP  Link Aggregation  Control  Protocol  Data link layer
                 replaced  by ITU-T                                     Local  area network
                                                                LAN                              Link  and other layers
        CHAP     Challenge-Handshake  Authentication  Security, telecom  LAPB  Link Access  Procedure,  Balanced (x.25)  Telecom
                 Protocol  (PPP)
                                                                LAPF    Link-access  procedure  for frame  relay  Telecom
        CIDR     Classless  lnter-Domain  Routing  Architecture
                                                               LLC      Logical  link control    Link  layer
        ctR      Committed  lnformation Rate (Frame  Telecom
                                                               MAC      Media  access control
                 Relay)                                                                          Link  layer
                                                               MAN      Metropolita  n area network  Telecom
        cLt      Command  line interpreter  Hardware
                                                               Mbps     Megabits  per second     Physical  layer
        CPE      Customer  premises  eq uipment  Telecom
                                                               MC       Multiple choice          lT Professional Certifi  cation
        CPU      Central processing  Unit  Microprocessor
                                                               MDF      Main  distribution frame  Physical  layer
        CRC      Cyclical  redundancy  check  Link  and other layers
                                                               MIB      Management  information  base  (SNMP)
        CRC.16-CCITT  Cyclical  redundancy  check (X.25,  HDLC)  Link  layers                    Application  Iayer
        csMA/cA  Carrier sense  multiple  access /  collision  Wireless  MoCA  Multimedia over Coax Alliance  Organization
                 avoidance                                     MPLS     M ultiprotocol  La bel Switching  network  technology
        csMA/cD  Carrier sense  multiple  access  /  collision  Physical  layer  MTU  Maximum  Transmission  Unit  Multiple  layers
                                                               NAC      Network  access  control  Link  and other layers
        csr/pHr  Channel service unit  /  data service unit  Telecom
                                                               NAT      Network  Address Translation  lnternet  Layer
        DCE      Data  communications  equipment  Telecom      NBMA     Non-Broadcast  Multiple Access  (e.g  Telecom
        DEC  (obs.)  Digital  Equipment  Corporation  Organization      Frame Relay ATM)
        DES      Data Encryption  Standard  (obs.  See AES)  Security  Nrc  Network  lnterface  Card  Physical  layer
        DHCP     Dynamic  Host Confi guration  Protocol  Application  layer,  lnternet  Layer  NRZ  Non-return-to-zero  Physical  layer
        DNS      Domain  Name System      Application  layer   NRZI     Non-return  to zero inverted  Physical  layer
        DRAM     Dynamic  ra ndom-access memory  Hardware      NVRAM    Non-volatile  RAM        Hardware
        DSL      Digital Subscriber  Line  Telecom             ost      Open  System lnterconnect (joint ISO and  Organization
                                                                        ITU standard)
        DSLAM    Digital Subscriber  Line  Access  Multiplexor  Telecom
                                                               OSPF     Open  Shortest  Path  First  (routing  protocol)  lnternet  Layer
        DTE      Data  Terminal  Equipment  Telecom
                                                               out      Organization  Unique  ldentifi er
        EHA      Ethernet  Hardware  Address (MAC  Link  layer                                   Link  and other layers
                 address)                                      PAP      Password  authentication protocol  Security
        EIA      Electronics  lndustry  Alliance  Organlzation  PAT     Port address  translation  lnternet  Layer
        EIGRP    Enhanced  lnterior  Gateway Routing  lnternet  Layer  PC  Personal computer  (host)  Hardware
                                                               PIM      Personal information manager  Software  category
        EOF      End Of Frame (HDLC, etc.)  Link  layer        PIM      Privileged  ldentity Management  Software  category
        ESS      Extended service set (Wi-Fi group)  Wireless
                                                               PCM      Pulse-code modulation   Physical  layer
        FCC      Federal Communications  Commission  Organization
                                                               PDU      Protocol data unit (such as segment,  Multiple  layers
                                                                        packet, frame,  etc.)
        FCS      Frame  check sequence  (Ethernet)  Link  layer
                                                               POP3     Post Office  Protocol,  version  3  Application  layer
        FDDI     Fiber Distributed  Data lnterface  Link  layer
                                                               POP      Point of presence       Telecom
        FTP      File Transfer Protocol  Application  layer
                                                               POST     Power-on  self test     Hardware
        GBIC    Giga bit interface  converter  Hardware
                                                               POTS     Plain  old telephone  service  Telecom
        Gbps    Gigabit  per  second     Physical  layer       Ppp      Point-to-point Protocol  Telecom
        GEPOF   Gigabit Ethernet (over)  Plastic  Opthal  Physical  layer
                                                               PPTP    Point-to-Point  Tunneling  Protocol  Telecom
                                                               PTT     Public  Telephone and Telegraph  Telecom
       HDLC     High-level  Data Link  Control  Link  layer
                                                               PVST    Per-VLAN  Spanning  Tree  Link  layer
       HTTP     HyperText  Transfer Protocol  Application  layer
                                                              RADIUS   Remote Authentication  Dial-ln  User  Security
       HTTPS    HyperText  Tra  nsfer Protocol  Secure  Transport  and other layers
       IANA     lnternet Assigned Number  Authority  Organization  RAM  landom  Access Memory   )hysical  layer
       ICMP      nternet Control  Message Protocol  lnternet  Layer  RARP   leverse  ARP
                                                                       I                       I ,ink  layer
       IDF      lntermediate distribution frame  Physical  layer
                                                              RFC      lequest for Comments     Multiple  layers
        DS      lntrusion Detection
                                                              RIP      louting  lnformation Protocol   I nternet Layer
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