Page 14 - ICT Nepal News Issue 02
P. 14
E-Governance lnitiatives in Nepal:
$ m.mfm ffi' ffi'$T mt.$ ffi fi"$ ffi ymtm g.trt Wm'ffi $.$m$m r rT'H ffimmfi mff ffimmffi'u Wm*mm'xm#mm.-
the way information flows field is concerned with countries. lt facilitates
faster, more generouslY, behavioral issues that arise the service deliverY of
and less expensivelY for in the develoPment and government to citizens
decision-making and for long-term maintenance of in simple, speed and
development. information sYstems. convenient waY. Besides,
An information sYstem The practices of it improves efficiencY in
is defined technicallY e-governance are ad ministration, bri ngs
as a set of interrelated means for public about transParencY and
components that collect administrations to imProve reduction of government
(or retrieve), Process, store, their performance bY cost. lt plaYs significant
and distribute information increasing the efficiencY roles in the imProvement
BY:- to support decision of management of public service deliverY.
Mohesh Mohorjon making and control in an processes and reducing They are:
MIS Specio/isf, MoFALD orga n ization. Besides, costs in the Provision of i. lncreases efficiencY bY
supporting decision public services like citY automation
making, coordination, planning, social services ii. Supports effective
and control, information administration, PhYsical or decentralization in
ICT refers to technologY systems may also helP information i nfrastructu re decision making
that provides access to managers and workers management, emergencY iii. lncreases account
i nformation, Pri ma ri lY to analyze problems, management, Public ability of the Public
service agencies to
concerned with storage, visualize comPlex subjects, records and archives,
retrieval, maniPulation and create new Products. communitY or economic citizens
and transmission of digital It contains information development, health iv, lmproves resource
data. lt is a driving force about significant PeoPle, care, education and management.
of transformation Process places, and things within property assessment. The v. Offers effective
towards knowledge- the organization or in the application of advanced communication
based information environment surrounding i nformation technologY to vi. lncreases accessibilitY
society, that imPact on it. lt creates value for the public service has brought vii. Provides
political, economic and firm as an organizational new attention to the abilitY comPrehensive data
social develoPment. lt and management solution of government agencies base
has transformed the to challenges Posed bY the to coordinate and enable viii. Facilitate strategic
way people live, work environment. the creation, i ntegration, planning
and spends their money. The study of management, sharing, and ix. Enables reduction
of paPer work with
Public sector organizations information sYstems is a tra nsfer of i nformation
have focused their efforts multidisciplinarY fi eld. ln within agencies and in the use of E-mail
towards digitalizing their general, the field can be govern menta I networks. and electronic data
services to their customers divided into technical and The raPid growing interchange
or citizens through internet behavioral aPProaches. application of lCTs and x. Suppliesinformation
so that the users can I nformation sYstems are their subsequent use on related to the market
get easy access to the socio-tech nica I sYstems. strengtheni ng interaction
available services from Though they are comPosed among Public entities, civil Local government
any place and at anY time. of machines, devices, and societies, communities and administrators must of
Now, public exPect ICT- "hard" physical technologY, citizens has given rise to a understand Power
enabled interactions, not they require substantial new governance Paradigm technology and acquire
just with each other or social, organizational, and known as e-governance. necessary knowledge
with businesses, but also intellectual investments to It is widely accePted as an and skills to monitor
with public services. The make them work ProPerlY. effective tool of service and implement local
role of ICT in information An important Part of delivery by all develoPed government services
exchange is manifested in the information sYstems countries and develoPing deliverrT effectivelY
t14l ImlNEPAL [Vol-1, Issue-2, 201,7)