Page 10 - Third Issue
P. 10

Own Words
        Dr. Suman Thapaliya

                                                              On his own words

                                                                Let me take you on a journey through
                                                                   the life of a curious and ambitious
                                                                individual. Born in the vibrant city of
                                                             Hadigaun, Kathmandu, in 1987, I arrived
                                                              in this world with an insatiable thirst for
                                                               knowledge. Even as a young child, I was
                                                             driven by an unwavering desire to explore
                                                                           and learn new things.

                                                              remained unquenched.      and highlighted the unique
                                                                                        challenges faced by my
                                                              In 2015, I made the bold   home country.
                                                              choice to temporarily step
                                                              away from my professional   Never one to rest on my
                                                              pursuits and pursue       laurels, I embarked on a
                                                              postgraduate studies.     new adventure in 2018,
                                                              This decision allowed me   commencing my doctoral
                                                              to broaden my horizons,   study in information
                                                              perfect my talents, and   security at Lincoln
        Growing up, I discovered                              prepare myself for the    University in Malaysia.
        two passions that would    As the world transitioned   ever-increasing demands   This pursuit allowed me
        shape my future endeavors.   into the digital age, a new   of a competitive world.   to delve deeper into the
        The first was cooking—a   field emerged, captivating   During this period, a   realm of cybersecurity, an
        hobby that ignited my      my attention—the         remarkable opportunity    area that had captured
        creativity and allowed me   realm of information      presented itself—a      my fascination and held
        to experiment with various   technology. Sensing the   chance to participate in the   immense relevance in the
        flavors and cuisines. The   incredible opportunities   prestigious Robogames    digital era.
        second was a fascination   that lay ahead, I made a   held in San Francisco,
        with different cultures and   pivotal decision to switch   California. With unwavering  Throughout my ongoing
        their culinary traditions.   gears and dive into the   determination, I competed   Ph.D., I have made notable
        This curiosity sparked     promising world of IT. I   against the best and      contributions to the
        within me a desire to travel   set my sights on London   brought home a well-   academic community.
        and experience the diverse   Metropolitan University   deserved bronze medal,   I have published two
        gastronomic wonders of     in the United Kingdom,     proudly representing      articles indexed in Scopus,
        the world.                 where I completed my       Nepal as the youngest     solidifying my standing
                                   undergraduate degree in    competitor.               as a respected researcher
        In 2008, as I completed my   computer science.                                  in the field. Additionally,
        high school education, I set                          In 2017, I achieved yet   I have been invited to
        my sights on Singapore. It   Armed with newfound      another milestone in my   present my findings at
        was there that I embarked   knowledge and skills, I   academic journey. I earned   international conferences
        upon a bachelor’s          returned to my homeland,   a Master of Information   in Malaysia, Singapore, and
        degree program in hotel    Nepal, and secured a       Technology from London    Nepal, further establishing
        management, eager to       position as a network and   Metropolitan University,   my expertise and influence
        pursue my passion for the   system engineer for one   culminating in an intensive
        culinary arts. However, as   of the country’s top ISPs.   research project. My thesis,    in the cybersecurity
        I delved deeper into the   Under the guidance of a    titled “Implementation    domain.
        intricacies of the hospitality   seasoned and professional   and Adaptation of
        industry, a realization    ICT team, I honed my       Software Engineering in   Since 2018, I have
        slowly took hold of me. I   expertise and delved      Software Development:     actively engaged in the
        came to understand that    deeper into the world of   A Comparative Analysis    cybersecurity field, focusing
        this path would not lead   technology. However, my    between Nepal and India,”   my efforts on IS audit
        me to the prosperous       hunger for growth and      delved into the intricacies   and VAPT (Vulnerability
        future I yearned for.      a thirst for knowledge     of software development   Assessment and
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