Page 12 - Third Issue
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                                             2010. The Fields of graphic design,   for cybersecurity was unnecessary,
                                             internet design, and application   which was a threat and challenge to
                                             development were expanding         us. At the time, it was more difficult
                                             quickly. The most profitable and   to sustain. People continue to be
                                             in-demand career in the world, at   hesitant to spend money on topics
                                             least during the current economic   like cybersecurity because they
                                             recession, is one that involves the   believe these investments won’t have
                                             IT industry, which is currently a hot   a significant influence on society.
                                             topic. The less paper concept was   With the assistance of CAN and the
                                             steadily gaining popularity in the   Lion Club, we promoted cybersecurity
                                             market. Studying IT was the only   education. To get to where I am now,
                                             way to function in this digitally   which was a challenging road, I had
                                             advanced world. I didn’t want to   to struggle a lot. It took me 8 or 9
                                             return to the old traditional method   years from the start of my profession.
                                             and the data system, as the world
                                             was more cultured. I decided to    What inspires you in your life?
                                             enter this field as a result.      Any specific driving force?

                                             What difficulties did you face     I am the one who inspires me.
                                             in the initial phase of your       Upgrading our level of success is
                                             career?                            impossible until we develop self-
                                                                                motivation. Nobody inspired me
        What difference did you find        After graduating from SLC, I moved   to pursue a career in cybersecurity
        between the education system        to Singapore in 2008 to pursue      or study information technology. I
        of Nepal and abroad?                my bachelor’s degree in hotel       realized that the upcoming period
                                            management. I’ve always had a       is set to go digital and that this field
        In my view there are many notable   passion for cooking and consider    has a lot of potential. This motivated
                                                                                me to believe that young people
        things which can be discussed. While   myself a foodie. I always believed I   need to transform the world.  I
        children from wealthy families can   was an excellent candidate to be a   believe self-motivation is the key
        afford to attend private schools,   chef whenever I used to prepare and   to success. When I wasn’t sure I
        children from poor households       taste food. I believed it to be the   could succeed, I always kept myself
        frequently have to drop out of school   ideal career for me. I thought I was in   motivated.
        to work. Regardless of a student’s   the wrong sector when I was doing
        familial circumstances, education is   job training since I recognized that
        prioritized in many other countries. In   cooking wouldn’t help me succeed.   How has your family supported
        Nepal’s educational system, subjects   Although I enjoy cooking and eating,   you throughout your career?
        like math, science, and language    I felt I was unable to deal with clients
        are given more priority. However,   in this field. I then shifted to the IT   I’d say it’s 100% or even higher. My
        several other countries have more   industry. My two main domains were   family has always supported me in
        multidisciplinary schools that cover   networking and cybersecurity. When   whatever I’ve done, whether it was a
        concepts like creativity, problem-  I came back to Nepal, the idea of   desire to go abroad and further my
        solving, and critical thinking. A clear   security was unpopular. No one had   education, launch my own business,
        difference that can be seen in Nepal’s   considered cybersecurity; according   or choose a career. They let me do
        education system and abroad is      to a common misconception,          whatever I wanted. The credit for
        that Nepal focuses on theoretical   “security” when referring to guarding   getting me to where I am now goes
        pressure, while abroad the system is   or securing individuals. I found   to my family, who have been there
        based on a practical approach. Nepal   it difficult to begin my career at   for me every step of the way. They
        only focuses on bookish knowledge,   that time. It was a tremendously   have consistently helped. I’m grateful
        and the abroad education system     challenging phase of my work when   to have such a kind and encouraging
        focuses on giving skill-based       I first started going to customers’   family that has supported me
        knowledge to the students.          houses and installing antennas while   throughout my journey.
                                            also installing fiber optic connections,
        Despite having many other           climbing poles, and repairing       What factors would you
                                            wires. After that, I began working
        sectors, why particularly IT?       as a network and system engineer.   consider when advising your
                                            Cybersecurity was prioritized in 2018   closed ones on possible career
        It is very similar to having a variety   as people began to take hacking and   paths?
        of foods on a plate but only eating   data breaches seriously. We needed
        the ones we like. The IT sector     some time to set up the cybersecurity   As I previously stated, self-motivation
        is a booming one with many          concept and culture. The older      is the key to success. You need to
        opportunities. I began my Bachelor of   generation complained, claiming   stay objective about what to do in
        Information Technology program in   that the younger generation’s need   life. Like the phrase never sail on two
  12                                          ICT NEPAL (Issue-3, 2023)
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