Page 13 - Third Issue
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boats, you should not try to be in two  information and create coordinated
        places at once or have two different   security plans. Additionally, it will   Can you give an overview of
        things at the same time. You must be   lessen the impact of cyberattacks   Nepal’s current information
        self-sufficient and have a clear vision   when they do happen.          security situation? What are
        of what you want out of life. Always                                    the main challenges and
        pick a field that is growing and taking  The field of cyber security is   opportunities you see for the
        place in the market and has a high   undergoing changes at the
        demand for workers. It makes no     same time as the rest of the        industry?
        difference what field you choose; you   world, right? How do you stay
        must succeed. A clear timeline can   up-to-date with the latest         I think Nepal’s status concerning
        help you stay clear about objectives                                    information security is hilarious.
        in your life. You must stay focused   trends and advancements in the    Information security is simply present
        and take your time deciding which   IT industry?                        where it should be. Information
        job is ideal for you. To reach your                                     security is not understood to the
        goal, you must be self-motivated    As with the rest of the world, “cyber   extent that it should be. To be on the
        and completely dedicated. You must   security” is a field that is rapidly   safe side, it is claimed that Nepal has
        select a profession that matches your   growing. For a cybersecurity expert,   information security while, in reality,
        standards and principles in life.   staying current with the most recent   it does not. Educating people is a
                                            trends and developments in the IT   challenge. They think that investing
        What sparked your interest in       sector is essential. I participate in   in this sector is not worthwhile.
                                                                                Due to a lack of understanding,
        cybersecurity, and how did you      several social clubs and professional   information security is a problem
                                            networks related to cyber security. I
        transition into this field?         take part in many professional and   in and of itself. There are only
                                            social networks about cyber security.   prospects for success in information
        As I was learning, I found          These groups offer a venue for      security. In Nepal, there is a lack of
        cybersecurity a lot more interesting   knowledge exchange, discussions,   collaboration between the public and
        on its own. My interest in          and networking with professionals   commercial sectors when it comes
        cybersecurity sparked when I thought   in the field. By engaging with   to cybersecurity. It is challenging to
        of learning something that could do   professionals in the sector, I gain   develop and implement effective
        better for this world. Cybersecurity   valuable insights into emerging   security policies and procedures
        is a vast sector. There are many    trends and best practices. I frequently   as a result. Nepal’s market is small,
        career options in this sector. It is a   go to webinars and seminars    but its human resources are cheap.
        multipurpose domain, I believe. The   about information technology and   If we solely focus on the Nepali
        main thing you gain in this field is   cybersecurity. Well-known thought   market, it will be more challenging to
        respect. It also has a great income   leaders and presenters share their   maintain, but there are opportunities
        source.                             knowledge and offer insights into   in this industry if we work on global
                                            the most recent developments in     businesses.
        What is the future of cyber         the industry at these events. I obtain
        security in the digital world       a greater comprehension of the      As Nepal’s youngest PHD
        according to you?                   problems and solutions in the sector   scholar in information security
                                            by attending these seminars to      audit, what motivated you to
        In the context of Nepal, cybersecurity   learn about new technologies. I take   pursue it at such a young age?
        has a bright future. It is estimated   part in online networks and forums
        that roughly 50,000 cybersecurity   devoted to cyber security. I also   This field was empty, which is what
        experts would be required during    believe in lifelong learning, which   motivated me. When I started my
        the next ten years. Cyber security is   motivates me to explore and learn   Ph.D., I noticed that no one from
        prioritized on the global stage. The   about new available technologies.   Nepal had completed a Ph.D. in
        technology we utilize daily requires   Whether it’s a new software,     my discipline. I looked at my age
        security. Every day, we as humans   hardware, or security technique, I   and determined that in the next
        crave new technologies, and our     promptly delve into it, understanding   five years, I would be the country’s
        demand is expanding. Security is    its strengths, weaknesses, and      youngest Ph.D. holder. Before
        becoming more important as our      potential impact on the industry. If   starting my Ph.D., I worked in the
        needs grow. Higher technological    obtaining certifications is necessary   field of cyber security. I attended
        advancement means higher            to enhance my skills and knowledge,   numerous programs and earned
        cybersecurity demand. Along with    I willingly pursue them to validate   many international certifications,
        that,new cybersecurity difficulties   my expertise. I also make it a point to   which inspired me. I enjoy learning a
        will arise as the IoT continues to   study security bulletins and advisories   lot and want to try something new.
        expand. These devices will need to   issued by reputable security
        be secured, and organizations will   organizations and governmental     As an experienced medalist,
        need to take precautions against    agencies. These publications offer
        attacks that take advantage of them.   insightful information on new threats,   what advice would you give to
        hem.Organizational cooperation      attack methods, and risk-mitigation   aspiring roboticists who aspire
        will increase in frequency. This will   best practices.                 to compete in the Robo Games
        make it easier to exchange threat                                       or similar competitions? Also,
                                              ICT NEPAL (Issue-3, 2023)
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