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insights and guide aspiring   rapidly expanding field. It
                                   In addition to my          IT professionals on their   offers not only a reliable
                                   technical prowess, I have   journeys.                source of income but also
                                   ventured into the realm of                           the potential for immense
                                   entrepreneurship, serving   However, my commitment   respect and recognition.
                                   as the CEO of several      to education extends
                                   successful businesses.     beyond online platforms.   As I continue on my
                                   From the Lincoln           I now hold the esteemed   journey, I hope to leave
                                   Academy of Culinary and    position of head of the   a lasting impact on the
                                   Hospitality Management to   IT department at Texas   world of education and
                         , Onecover   Intl Educational Network,   inspire future generations
                                   Pvt. Ltd., Zukti Tech Pvt.   one of Nepal’s leading   to embrace the limitless
                                   Ltd., and Cryptogen Nepal,   educational institutes.   possibilities that lie within
                                   I have leveraged my        Established in 2009, the   the realm of information
    Coworker says:                 leadership skills to make a   institute offers a wide   technology. With
                                   mark in the business world.   range of courses across   unwavering dedication, I
    Prakash koirala
    He serves as a great example   Furthermore, Infinity Pvt.   various disciplines,    aim to create a prosperous
                                                                                        future for the IT sector in
                                                              including BIT, BCS, BSC,
                                   Ltd. and DS Accountants
    for us. His upbeat attitude,   and Advisors (Australia)   Csit, BBA, MBA, BA,       Nepal and beyond.
    motivation, and leadership have   entrusted me with the   Science, Humanities,
    always motivated us to perform   responsibilities of a lead   Management, and Law.
    better. His communication      auditor and an IT manager,   With a steadfast dedication
    abilities are excellent. Not only   respectively.         to providing practical and
    that, but he is a superb manager                          skillful knowledge, my
    of teams. At such a young age, he   My accomplishments have   aim is to transform the
    has accomplished much in life,   not gone unnoticed, and   educational system and   Family Says:
    which is extremely admirable.   I have been honored with   offer appropriate career   Sumina
    I really like his commitment   prestigious credentials    counseling to staff and   Thapaliya
                                   from organizations around
                                                              students alike.
    towards his work and his       the world. These include
    straightforwardness. He is an   certifications such as CISA   Looking back on my   Sydney,
    icon for all of the employees   (Certified Information    younger years, I realize   Australia
    here, not just for me.         Systems Auditor), CHFI     that my initial career
        Penetration Testing). My   (Computer Hacking          choice did not align with   Dear Brother Dr. Suman
        expertise and knowledge    Forensic Investigator), CEH   my true passions and   Thapaliya,
        have been sought after,    (Certified Ethical Hacker),   aspirations. However,
        leading me to conduct      CEI (Certified EC-Council   this realization has fueled   I wanted to reach out and offer
        security training for the UN   Instructor), ISO 27001:2013   my determination to   my heartfelt congratulations on
        Inter-Agency IT Task Force   (Information Security    guide others onto the    your outstanding achievement
        Members in Kathmandu,      Management System),        right path. My ultimate
        Nepal, in November 2018.   CCNA (Cisco Certified      goal is to nurture       in the field of cybersecurity.
                                   Network Associate),        individual expression,   It is truly a remarkable
        Over the years, I have     RHCE (Red Hat Certified    foster creativity, and   accomplishment, and I couldn't
        accumulated a wealth of    Engineer), CISO (Certified   build strong, productive   be more proud of you.
        experience and expertise   Information Security       teams. Through my work,   .. ..
        in various facets of       Officer), and CISCO IT     I strive to raise awareness   As you embark on this new
        information technology.    Essentials Instructor.     about cybersecurity and   chapter of success, please know
        From network planning                                 emphasize its criticality   that I am here to support you
        and operations to          Passionate about sharing   in safeguarding personal   every step of the way. Your
        wireless technologies,     my knowledge with others,   information in our      achievements inspire me, and I
        telecommunications,        I have taken on roles as   interconnected world.
        computer networks,         an instructor and mentor.                           am grateful to have you as my
        and video surveillance, I   Currently, I contribute to   I am passionate about   brother.
        have honed my skills to    the educational platforms   nurturing the IT sector in   .. ..
        become a well-rounded IT   of Cybrary and Udemy,      Nepal, encouraging young  With all my love and best
        professional.              where I impart valuable    minds to embark on this   wishes,
                                              ICT NEPAL (Issue-3, 2023)
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