Page 14 - Third Issue
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        what made you interested in         attending conferences, and pursuing   holistic decision-making processes.
        robotics?                           certifications can help individuals   This interdisciplinary knowledge has
                                            stay ahead in this dynamic field.   allowed me to approach challenges
        A platform for learning new things   Lastly, I would encourage anyone   with a broader mindset and find
        is called Robo Games. It aids in    interested in pursuing a career     innovative solutions that consider
        future growth. It makes way for fresh   in IT or networking to be open   various factors. The advice to
        possibilities. I chose to take part in   to new experiences and not be   pursue techno-marketing has had a
        the Robo Games when my career was   afraid to leave their comfort       transformative impact on both my
        only getting started. The fact that   zone. The IT industry provides    personal and professional life. It has
        no one from Nepal had ever won      countless opportunities to work on   expanded my career opportunities,
        a medal was the key factor in my    diverse projects, collaborate with   improved my communication and
        decision to participate. The idea was   multidisciplinary teams, and solve   interpersonal skills, fostered a
        that if we united and created a robot   complex problems. Embracing these   broader perspective, and increased
        as a team, we might succeed. We     challenges and being willing to try   my overall confidence. I am grateful
        had a five-person crew. In 2016, the   something new can lead to personal   to my best friend for providing me
        games were held in San Francisco,   and professional growth.            with this invaluable guidance.
        California. We placed second in the
        competition, which was honorable for  What is the best advice you       If you could go back in time
        our nation.                         have ever got in your life? How     and change one thing in your
                                            has that advice made an impact      life, what would it be?
        Based on your experience            in your life?
        and expertise, what advice                                              I am aware that there is no way to go
        or insights would you like to       The best advice I’ve received in my   back in time and undo the choices
        share with our readers who are      life was from my best friend. As my   I have already made. However, if I
        interested in pursuing a career     best friend knows every side of me,   could go back in time, there is one
        in IT or networking?                they advised me to consider the     decision I would consider changing.
                                            field of techno-marketing instead   In retrospect, I would have chosen
        Thank you for asking that question.   of solely focusing on technical skills.   to enter the IT industry and begin
        As someone who has been working     Techno-marketing is a field that    my career as a student instead
        in the IT industry for several years,   combines technical expertise with   of pursuing cooking. The reason
        I have a few insights and advice    strong communication skills for     behind this choice arises from my
        to share with those interested in   marketing purposes. This advice has   passion for technology and the rapid
        pursuing a career in IT or networking.   had a profound impact on both my   advancements that have taken place
        I would highlight that the information   personal and professional life.  in the IT field over the years. While
        technology industry is constantly                                       cooking has been rewarding and
        expanding and evolving. Technology   How has that advice made an        fulfilling work, I believe that a career
        plays a crucial role in almost every   impact in your life?             in the IT industry would have aligned
        aspect of our lives, and this trend                                     more closely with my long-term
        is going to continue in the future.   The advice to pursue techno-      interests and provided opportunities
        IT offers many opportunities for    marketing has had an impact on      for growth and innovation. By
        individuals to find their place and   my life in several ways. Firstly, it   entering the IT industry earlier,
        build a successful career. One of   has broadened my career options     I would have had the chance to
        the great things about the IT field   and opened up new opportunities.   acquire technical knowledge and
        is its flexibility. IT professionals   By combining my technical skills   skills at a younger age. It would
        can work in various industries,     with effective communication and    allow me to stay at the forefront of
        including healthcare, finance, retail,   marketing abilities, I have been able   emerging technologies and trends,
        entertainment, and many more. This   to explore roles that require a blend   ultimately enhancing my career
        diversity allows individuals to explore   of both. It has allowed me to stand   prospects and opening doors to
        different sectors and find the one   out in the job market and secure   diverse opportunities. The IT industry
        that aligns with their interests and   positions that align with my interests   offers a wide range of roles and
        passions. While the IT industry offers   and strengths. This advice has   specializations, providing flexibility
        numerous advantages, it’s essential   enhanced my personal growth and   to explore different areas and find
        to acknowledge that it requires     interpersonal skills. It has improved   the perfect fit for my skills and
        continuous learning and staying     my ability to communicate ideas,    interests. I don’t regret my journey
        updated with the latest technologies.   adapt my communication style    in the culinary world entirely. It has
        Technology is constantly evolving,   to different audiences, and build   taught me valuable lessons such as
        and innovations emerge regularly.   strong relationships with colleagues   creativity, attention to detail, and
        Therefore, aspiring IT professionals   and clients. Pursuing techno-    the ability to work under pressure.
        must embrace a mindset of lifelong   marketing has fostered a more      . However, if a chance is given to
        learning and be willing to adapt to   well-rounded perspective in my life.   change one thing, I would seize the
        new tools, programming languages,   By understanding both the technical   opportunity to enter the IT industry
        and frameworks. Engaging in         and marketing aspects of a product   earlier and leverage my passion
        professional development activities,   or service, I can contribute to more   for technology to shape my career
  14                                          ICT NEPAL (Issue-3, 2023)
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