Page 25 - Third Issue
P. 25

               Securing Your Personal

                  account from Hackers

                                                              theft, or reputational harm. A successful hacking
                                                              attempt can have an impact on our lives. They can
                                                              destroy our data or even make systems unusable.
                                                              Using encryption methods might be helpful
                                                              before saving any data. Hackers won’t be able to
                                                              access the data without consent or an encryption
                                                              key. It helps guard against unwanted access,
                                                              preserves data integrity, protects confidentiality,
                                                              lowers financial and legal risks, upholds consumer
                                                              confidence and reputation, and guarantees
                                                              company continuity.

                                                              2.  Regular Monitoring
                                                                  Maintaining consistent account monitoring is
                                                              essential to improve account security and reduce
                                                              the dangers of hacking. Identifying illegal access,
                                                              suspicious activity, login attempts, unauthorized
                                                              IP addresses, and unknown transactions can help
                                                              with regular monitoring. Hackers are interested in
                                                              our data for opening new accounts, identity theft,
                                                              or suspicious bank transactions. If we keep a close
                                                              look and regularly monitor our social accounts, we
                    ackers are people with evil intent        can spot if there are any unauthorized changes to
                    who engage in hacking. They may           personal information or not. Review your account
                    be motivated by many factors,             activities regularly, paying particular attention to
                    including spying, personal satisfaction,   transaction histories, login histories, and account
        Hpolitical activism, or financial gain.               settings. We can look if there is any unusual
        It is necessary to keep your accounts safe from       or suspicious activity, such as unrecognized
        hackers to protect your sensitive data and maintain   transactions, login attempts from unknown locations,
        online security. Updating your account should         or changes to your account information that you
        protect you from unauthorized access by using         weren’t the one to make. Software updates, security
        strong passwords, enabling 2FA, being watchful of     breach notifications, and warnings about new
        phishing attacks, monitoring account activity, and    hacking tools can help us recognize any suspicious
        being updated. You can take several crucial steps     activity happening through our accounts. We should
        to improve the security of your accounts and reduce   contact the service provider if any unusual activity is
        the possibility of illegal access.                    detected.

        1.  Backup Planning                                   3.  Learn about account security
            Protecting data is a must when securing your          We are well-connected and have a sizable web
        account, considering hacking concerns. Hackers        presence in the present digital world. You can take
        try to attack the most crucial and confidential data   proactive measures to secure your account because
        to find weaknesses and then gain unauthorized         you are more aware of hacker techniques like
        access. They are continuously looking for ways        phishing, malware, and social engineering. Hackers
        to get past security and try to access private        commonly target personal accounts to gain access
        information. We can install strong security measures   to private information having financial data, personal
        like two-factor authentication (2FA), encryption, and   photographs, or private chats. Keeping strong
        access control to lower the risk of unwanted access   security measures in place to protect your sensitive
        to our data. Data can include sensitive private       data and authorized access, such as using strong
        information, like our personal identity, property or   passwords, activating two-factor authentication, or
        financial information, or any information regarding   being cautious when sharing personal information.
        our business. Accessing data without authorization    Understanding account security might help you
        can lead to problems like financial harm, identity    appreciate the risks of identity theft. You learn

                                              ICT NEPAL (Issue-3, 2023)
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