Page 22 - Third Issue
P. 22

Child Online Safety: Protecting Your

        Children In The Digital World

                                                               data. Threats like theft of information and online
                                                               scams have increased as a result. The risk of Digital
                                                               addiction and its consequences for mental health
                                                               present another difficulty. A lot of time spent on
                                                               electronics, bad sleep, and isolation from society
                                                               can result from frequent use and interaction with
                                                               digital devices. In addition, problems like online
                                                               bullying, abuse, and the massive spread of fake
                                                               news have all been made worse by the Digital
                                                               world. It has become difficult to identify accurate
                   he term “digital world” describes a
                   network of digital gadgets, social
                   networking sites, and online worlds that
                   have shaped how we live each day. Every
         Taspect of how we communicate with
        each other, perform our tasks, gain knowledge,
        and enjoy our lives has changed as an outcome
        of the digital world. It is now easier than ever
        before to conduct research, receive education,
        and share knowledge because of the advantages
        and opportunities provided by the digital world.
        By enabling people to produce and share content,
        work together on projects, and interact with people
        of passion, it has created brand-new chances for
        creativity and self-expression.

        Businesses can now communicate with customers
        around the world, despite where they reside
        physically, which expands their market options
        and development capacity. Plenty of advances
        have come from the digital world. The ability
        for customers to explore and purchase products
        from the comfort of their homes has completely         and trustworthy sources due to the ease with which
        transformed the world of shopping. Information         information can be shared and raised online.
        has been made simpler to find, allowing for global
        learning and knowledge-sharing opportunities.          In the digital world of today, children’s online safety
        Creating connections and international                 is crucial. To assure your children’s safety and well-
        collaboration has boosted interaction and              being, you must take protective measures. Children
        relationships.                                         are more likely to be exposed to risks and dangers
                                                               as a result of the widespread use of technology
        While there are many benefits to the Digital World,    and the internet. Children’s privacy and security
        there are also a few drawbacks. The digital world      are maintained when they are protected online.
        can lead to laziness and an overall decrease in        Additionally, it improves the bond between parents
        physical activity.                                     and kids. In addition to protecting them from
        Due to the massive amount of private information       harm, protecting their online identity teaches them
        that is shared online, there is a higher chance of     important lessons about good online behavior,
        privacy violations and illegal misuse of private       critical thinking, and digital citizenship. Parents can
  22                                          ICT NEPAL (Issue-3, 2023)
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