Page 24 - Third Issue
P. 24

Securing Your Personal

        Keep yourself informed and updated                     Educate children about the dangers of the
            The digital landscape is evolving constantly                                                                                 account from Hackers
        as new platforms, programs, and innovations                One of the most vital measures to take in
        are released regularly. Staying informed about         order to safeguard kids from the dangers of the
        the digital world will help you better guide the       digital world is to implement this. Even though the
        development of your kids’ online literacy and skills.   internet presents many opportunities, kids need
        When you are informed about online trends and          to be aware of the risks attached to it. There are a
        risks, children are more likely to come to you for     number of reasons why we should warn kids about
        guidance and support. It is easier for parents to      online dangers. A crucial component of educating
        adapt to new technologies and understand how           kids about the dangers of the internet is educating
        their children use them if they are knowledgeable      them about the value of personal information
        about them. Due to the regular introduction of         and the potential negative effects of sharing it
        new platforms, software, and innovations, the          carelessly.
        digital landscape is constantly changing. You can      Encourage reporting and seeking help
        better direct your children’s online literacy and
        skill development if you stay informed about the           In order to give children the immediate
        digital world. Children are more likely to seek        support and protection they need, reporting and
        out your advice and support when they know             asking for help are essential. This gives kids more
        you are knowledgeable about online trends and          control over how much time they spend online.
        dangers. If parents are knowledgeable about new        Because doing so can result in severe distress and
        technologies, it will be easier for them to adapt to   psychological harm, digital risks should never be
        them and understand how their children use them.       disregarded. The child’s emotional health will be
                                                               enhanced by reporting the incident and asking
        Monitor online behavior                                for assistance. Reporting threats from the internet
                                                               and getting help when needed can be a useful
            In order to protect your kids from the risks       learning experience. Please communicate. As they
        of the digital world, you must keep an eye on          move through the reporting process, children
        their online activity. Check your child’s social       acquire important skills like communication, critical
        media account frequently to look over the              thinking, and problem-solving. It also aids children
                                                               in developing trust for their parents, teachers, and
                                                               other adults who have responsibility for them.

                                                               Teach them to be cautious with strangers
                                                               while interacting with them online

                                                                   Teach your kids to be cautious when speaking
                                                               to strangers on the street. Let them know the
                                                               risks it might present. Tell them to make face-to-
                                                               face contact with people they know. People may
                                                               pose as someone they are not in order to control
                                                               and deceive others. They might try to get a hold
                                                               of private or financial information or engage in
                                                               unauthorized activity.

                                                               In the current digital era, it is more important
                                                               than ever to protect our children online. Given
                                                               the abundance of information and content at our
                                                               disposal, it can be difficult to monitor what our kids
        updates, images, and friend lists. Keep an eye         view and engage with online. However, parents
        on their interactions to make sure they are            can take preventative measures to safeguard
        communicating with reputable individuals and           their children’s online activities and keep them
        acting appropriately online. Be on the lookout for     away from danger. By taking these precautions,
        any signs of cyberbullying, harassment, or odd         we can ensure that our kids are protected from
                                                               the potential risks of the digital world while still
        behavior. regularly assess the media they watch
        and the websites they visit. Keep an eye out for any   enjoying its benefits. These measures include
        disturbing or inappropriate content for their age      things like installing parental controls and having
                                                               frank discussions with kids about internet safety.
        and, if necessary, talk to them about it.
  24                                          ICT NEPAL (Issue-3, 2023)
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