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how hackers can exploit your personal information the chances that hackers will successfully guess
to open false accounts, pose as you, or commit or crack our passwords will decrease significantly.
financial crimes. Maintaining your online presence, We must take this action to safeguard our account
preventing identity theft, protecting your personal against unauthorized access and maintain the
information, following regulations, securing privacy of our data.
professional accounts, lowering financial and
reputational risks, and empowering others all 6. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
depend on your understanding of account security in Allowing two-factor authentication (2FA)
hacking. is necessary to prevent your account from
being hacked. It requires additional password
4. Update your software and devices authentication, such as a code sent to your phone.
Updates to software and devices are necessary By requiring a second verification step in addition
regularly to prevent hacking events and maintain to passwords, 2FA adds an extra layer of security
a secure digital environment. Hackers continually to your accounts. There are many ways to steal
hone their skills, look for flaws, and utilize them to passwords, including data breaches, phishing
attack obsolete hardware and software. Regular scams, and social engineering. The secondary
updating enhances security and reduces the risk of verification mechanism and password are required if
hacking attacks. Software and hardware updates 2FA is there, preventing an attacker from accessing
frequently include fixes and patches for recognized your account. 2FA shields you from attempts to
security issues. Hackers attempting to undermine guess your password through brute force. There is
systems or apps, these weaknesses make excellent a substantially lower chance of an account breach
targets. You can drastically reduce the potential because the attacker needs to physically possess
attack surface and make it harder for hackers to get
unauthorized access. Updates are required to fix
software problems and flaws. These errors might
inadvertently reveal security holes that hackers
could exploit. Keeping your software and devices
updated reduces the chance of security breaches
caused by software flaws, and you benefit from
bug patches that enhance the overall security of
your systems. With frequent upgrades, you can
stay ahead of the curve in the changing world of
hacking techniques. Software and device updates
frequently include security upgrades and safeguards
to protect against the newest threats. By quickly
applying updates, you give your systems and data
the defenses they need to fend off emerging attack
5. Secure Passwords
Creating a secure password is a crucial first
step in securing your account from hackers. Using
obvious information, such as your name or birthdate,
raises the possibility of hacking. It is a suggestion
to make a password that is 12 characters or your device or be aware of the verification code.
longer and contains both upper- and lower-case Hackers can find it challenging to access our
letters, numerals, and special characters. We accounts with the 2FA method. Even if a hacker
can choose a group of words that are unrelated manages to guess or steal your password, 2FA
to each other. We can avoid having to remember prevents them from accessing your account without
complex passwords with the aid of a password the secondary verification method.
manager, and we can fight against the urge to use
the same password for numerous accounts. We 7. Phishing Attacks
must keep separate passwords for several social Phishing attacks are increasing daily, and
media sites. It is essential to avoid using the same people have fallen for these scams. Phishing is one-
password for many social media accounts and to way hackers use to get information or confidential
change passwords frequently so that, even if one data about a person. To avoid phishing attacks,
password gets hacked, scammers will have a more you should avoid suspicious notifications or emails.
challenging time accessing other social media Phishing attacks are misleading strategies hackers
use to fool people into disclosing their personal
26 ICT NEPAL (Issue-3, 2023)
accounts. By using a secure and unique password,