Page 21 - Cloud Chronicles Fifth Issue
P. 21

It provides scalable      dependability.            more quickly, effectively,   and services can handle
            infrastructure, content   Cloud-native concepts     and scalable while        various traffic volumes,
            delivery networks (CDNs),   enable organizations    maintaining consistency,   including sudden spikes
            and global availability,   to enhance agility,      portability, and resource   during peak hours
            allowing organizations    scalability, and resilience   optimization across cloud   and gradual increases
            to manage traffic and     by utilizing microservices,   infrastructure. Serverless   over time. Resilience
            efficiently deliver content   containers, and       computing, also known     and fault isolation are
            to users worldwide.       serverless computing.     as Function as a          essential concepts in
            SaaS vendors use          These components          Service (FaaS), allows    cloud computing. Cost
            public cloud for direct   streamline development    businesses to develop     optimization is a crucial
            distribution of programs   procedures, build and    and run applications      component of cloud
            to end consumers,         deploy applications       without managing the      computing, aiming to
            reducing costs and        more quickly, and         underlying infrastructure.  maximize the benefit
            reducing deployment       effectively. Microservices   Cloud computing        of cloud resources
            and maintenance. Public   architecture separates    eliminates infrastructure   while lowering costs.
            cloud providers are also   applications into smaller,   administration and    Utilizing cloud-native
            ideal for processing      independent services      automatically scales      services, effectively using
            and analyzing large       that can be                   computer resources    resources, monitoring
            amounts of data, allowing                                    to meet          and reporting procedures,
            businesses to derive                                            demand,       and selecting appropriate
            valuable insights from                                             allowing   pricing models are all
            massive datasets                                                              part of cost optimization
            without                                                                       in the cloud. Public cloud
            significant                                                                   computing provides a
            upfront                                                                        flexible and scalable
            investments                                                                       platform that
            in on-                                                                              may be used to
            premises                                                                            host websites
            technology.                                                                         and online
            Cloud-native                                                                        applications,
            concepts enhance agility,                                                        distribute software as
            scalability, and                                                               a service (SaaS), and
            resilience by                                                                    process and analyze
            utilizing                                                                             enormous
                                                                                                      volumes of

            microservices, containers,   independently deployed   developers to focus
            and serverless            and scaled, enabling      on specialized tasks         Businesses can get
            computing. Microservices   more adaptability, agility,   or event-driven logic.   meaningful insights
            architecture separates    and fault isolation.      Cloud service providers      from big datasets
            applications into smaller,   Containers promote     control infrastructure
            independent services,     resource efficiency       like autoscaling,            by employing cloud-
            allowing for more         by exploiting shared      load balancing, and          based analytics
            adaptability and fault    resources and ensuring    availability, ensuring       services without
            isolation. Containers     fault separation and      high availability and fault   making significant
            promote resource          increased application     isolation. Scalability is    upfront expenditures
            efficiency by exploiting   dependability. Cloud-    crucial for businesses       in on-premises
            shared resources,         based containers          to adapt to changing         hardware.
            ensuring fault separation   enable enterprises to   workloads and user
            and increased application   deploy applications     needs. Cloud-based apps

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