Page 16 - ICT Nepal News Issue 01
P. 16

{Ereer in *eY?
                                                                                   Today's youngstersare  lucky
                                                                                that they have wide varieties  of
                                                                                courses  in lT and every year three
                                                                                to four thousands  of youngsters  are
                                                                                graduating  in the field of lT.Whatl
                                                                                urge them is to develop themselves
                                                                                as a entrepreneur  with new ideas
                                                                                and activities instead  seeking  jobs.  On
                                                                                top of that every  lT graduate  cannot
                                                                                turn himself to entrepreneur  and he/
                                                                                she needs better  job in the country
                                                                                itself. However, the government has
                                                                                not been able to create lT jobs in the
                                                                                country  in equivalent to number of lT
                                                                                graduates  every year.

                                                                                \ffhst &r*  V*ur  *xp*f;teti*ns wEtFt Ehe
                                              foeBxixad. ffiefmre               g*v*rnnrent?
           stitflted  #ivisrg  c*ffi*ifiri*rrs  S#w*e                              ln a broadersense,  the government
                                              Emdsry*ffirypryE  Eaed
           supp$y" Wh*mt is y**r t*k* *cr thEst                                 should put ICT under priority  and
              UPS and battery traders cannot                                    work for the development of the
           complain that end ofload-shedding  #f  gff  ffmr$c exed it wms       sector. Meanwhile,  the government
           has affected their business.  From                                   should support organizations like
                                              dwvry$wped  i$B Kavsq*
           the time of starting  their businesses,                              CAN Federation  which is constantly
           they should have kept in mind that  E{wwryve&a$  ss Eewfi-           working for the development  of
           such situation can come in future.                                   ICT sector in Nepal. lt is a bitter fact
           lf their business has been affected,                                 that we don't have own building of
           they should change their business                                    CAN Federation and thereare  no
           perspectives.  I have heard that end
                                                                                sources of revenue to hold different
           of load-shedding has affected sales of  developing ICT related policies  in  ICT related events. At such cases, the
           millions of UPS and batteries today.  Nepal. A  number ofinternational  government should at least separate
           But my concern is that traders should  organizations with whom we had  a minimum fund to CAN Federation  so
           have farsightedvisions  while doing a  associations had contributed a lot to  that it is easy for us to work for the
           business which they seems to have  Nepal in the post-earthquake period.  development  of ICT industry.
           lacked.  Proper risk analysis is integral
           part of any business.  I think that they  &  **mh*r *$  m*gamix*t$*ns  *r8  ** y*u $tav* ar:ythirrg  that **r:stamtEy
           shouldtake their products in those  cl#ten driveEr hy p*$iti*s" WEt*t fl&N  ir':spir*s y*u in n"r:*vEng sf*scd E* *ife?
           areas where there still exists load  F*Ser*ffi*m?                       When I was in grade  six, there
           sheddingand market them properly     Yes,this  is true among  a number of  was a sir called David who often
           to clear their stocks. Smooth supply  organizations.  However,  we have not  would encourage  us to be punctual
           of electricity is a boon to ICT sector in  allowed  any types of politics inside  to move on in life. That still strikes  my
           the country.                      CAN Federation though an individual  mind and I have been doing best to
                                             can be a part of any political party. We  maintain  punctuality  in my life ever
           F{*r*s c*m ftJ*S*H  b*ffiefit fr*r"r:  e&Sd  believe that once political  agendas  since Sir David  said us to do so. ln fact,
           F*d*raEi*st's  *sss*Eatf *m   uvEtFr  and interests  enters  an organization,  punctuality  is required in every aspect
           intsrrtmEtmm*tr *flT *rgmnrx*fi *y:s?  the organization cannot perform  well,  of life and development and developed
              CAN Federation is  associated  However, there is internal politics  countries  highly maintain  punctuality.
           with a  number of  international  during the time of election  inside  However,  punctuality  is not much
           organizations and our affiliation with                               practiced in Nepal. lt is my punctuality
                                             CAN Federation  and such politics,  I
           them can directly  benefit the country.  believe,is good for the development  which  I believe has brought me to this
           At my meeting with them, I have   of any organization I believe.     stage  of life. lt is also support from my
           been updating  them about condition                                  family to my work and efforts from my
           of Nepal's  ICT sector.  We should take  tuVh*t d*  yss"c se"rffg#sq  t*  N*p*li  shareholders in my companies which
           benefit from their expertise while  y*ungst*rs  wh* ers dev*E*pirrg  th*iv  inspires  me to move ahead.

                                                 [16]  IImNEPAL  []anuary  20L7)
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