Page 15 - ICT Nepal News Issue 01
P. 15

Nepal lacks development roadmap    ministryfor lCT. Such separate ministry  Where should Nepal  particularlY
        and nobody seems to come forward  for ICT is required especially in a  focus on to enhance ICT industrY?
        to  trace future development  of  country  like Nepal where ICT sector  ICT basically  has two  Parts--
        Nepal. Nobody  knows where Nepal's  is slowly developing. If that is not  hardware and software.  Nepal should
        development progress willreach  in  possible, government  at least should  not focus on hardware  develoPment
        next three  years.  Nobody  is concern  not separate  lT and Communication-  as China  and even lndia has reached
        over future of the country.  However,  -they should  be placed together.lf far ahead in terms of hardware
        lCT is such a. sector in Nepalwhich  all these are not possible, we urge  development. However,  NePal has
        is developing in its own despite  the government to develop National  to focus on software develoPment
        contribution and efforts of those in  lnformation and  Communication  which is solely knowledge-based.
        power. ICT tools like mobile  phones  Council as an autonomous  body which  lndia is much ahead in terms  of
        and tablets have transformed the   is responsible to develop  a roadmap  software development.  Development
        world  including Nepal. But a bitter fact  of the development of lT sector in of software  has contributed a lot
        is that our policy has failed to address  Nepal and direct all departments  and  in lndia's economy. Our lT exPerts
        and acknowledge this transformation  m in istries accordingly.       are working in different countries
        brought by lCT.                                                      and big lT companies.  Why cannot
           So, the first thing is that the  Where  has the concept of Smart CitY we bring them all to work in
        government should change its       reached?                          Nepal by developing a favorable
        perspective  towards ICT sector  and  Almost four-five  months ago, the  environment?Another  thing is that
        recognize  i nformation  a nd tech nology  government  formed a  committee  there are more than 500business
        as fundamental  need of people.  ln  which is coordinated by me. The  process outsourcing comPanies
        1990, telecommunication  in Nepal  committee is responsible to develop  working in Nepal without  being
        was quite ahead compared  to India. a proposal of Smart City and do  registered  anywhere.  Why don't the
        But today Nepal is lagging behind.  needful to develop smart cities across  government  facilitatesuch  companies
        Before lndia,Nepal had developed  the  different parts of the country. As  to work through formal  channel?lndia
        concept of lT Park and it was developed  a coordinator,  I am worried about  did the same by announcing  tax
        in Kavre.  Howeveqit  is not operating  progress made in  development  holidays to lT companies.  Why cannot
        properly. The government  later did  of Smart  City. However,  my role is  our government do the same  to
        not ensure basic infrastructures like  quite ceremonial and bureaucrats  attract  big lT companies  in Nepal?
        electricity  supply and laying of optical of  different  ministries including  Similarly, another major thing is
        fiberin  the lT Park. What we believe  Ministry of Urban Development  have  that we don't have scientific  statisticsof
        is the government shouldhandle  the  low concern over developing Smart  lT sector. Neither the government
        operation  of lT Park to private sector  Cities. We have been proposing  the  nor CAN has exact status,  facts and
        if it is finding difficulty in its operation.  government to build Smart City as per  figures of domestic ICT industrY.
        But the government is unwilling  do  Nepal's own context.            Thus, there is an urgent need to carry
        so because it does not have a proper                                 national survey of ICT sector from the
        understanding  of  information and                                   Bovernment  level.  I see that Nepal has
        technology.                                                          high potential in ICT development  as
           On top of that Nepal  is developing                               compared to other  sector.
        in ICT sector but its development
        has not followed a consolidated  way.                                How do you analyze  current  PolicY
        "We  are talking about National  lD  ersDective towards              initiatives in the field of ICT sector?
        Card Smart  Licenseand digitalizationin  ICT sector and                 The government policy  has
        working  procedures  of the government  recosnize information        addressed many things in ICT sector.
        and these all are the instances  of                                  The recently endorsed  ICT PolicY
        development of ICT sector in Nepal.                     as           2072is also friendly.  Howevel those
        Afterour effort, the government  has  fundamental  need              old and new policies,  though are
        at least formed  National lnformation                                friendly to ICT industry,  has not been
        and Communication Council  lately.                                   implemented  properly.  ICT industry
                                            t e I e c o mmurri-catio  u itt  will progress much if only those

        As per CAN Federation,  under  which  Nepal was quite ahead          policies  are implemented.
        nrinistry should country's  ICT sector
        fall?                                                                UPS and battery traders associated
           We have been lobbying with       But                              with CAN Federation are said to
        the government to give a seParate                                    have been  affected after government

                                              (15) IffiNEPAL  (|anuary  20L7)
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