Page 19 - ICT Nepal News Issue 01
P. 19

(OCC)  had initiated  the  digital signature. Even
        works related  to this    the Government  Root CA
        under the Electronic      has not been integrated
        Transactions  Act-2063 BS  with Global  CA and is not
        and Regulations-2064  BS  trusted in browsers  as
        with an objective of making  Root CA, Nepal Root CA
        electron ic tra nsactions  is kept as Trusted  Root
        Secure and reliable.  The  CA manually in present
        OCC has given permission  internal context.  DSC  is
        to Radiant lnfo-tech  Nepal  being implemented  in
        Company to issue digital  Pu blic-Private Partnership
        signatures.               (PPP)  model where still it
           ln context of Nepal,   lacks awareness.  Special
        PKI enabled application   awareness  programs
        is not found in most      should be conducted       Digita I Signatu re Certifi cate
        of the government         for better  information   generators  are not only
        agencies. Many private    about  DS and relationship  focusing  on generating    Using digital
        as well as government     between  both public      digital signature and
        organizations  i.e. banks  and private sectors.     certificate  but also appeals     sig natu re
        and other business firms  Government  bodies        all government  bodies  and
        uses different  a pplications  like lnland Revenue  individuals  to use digital    saves time,
        like Pumori, Finacle, etc.  Department  (lRD),  OCR,  signatures  to make "Digital
        where  DSC are not trusted  Nepal Rastra  Bank  (NRB)  Nepal".                     money and
        from the root which       and other regulatory         Apart from all the
        doesn't  makes even the   bodies should help and    problems and threats          environment
        top level of private as well  initiate in the implication  government  bodies
        as government  agencies   of DSC nationally. Nepal  have been facing for
        feel their ownership of   Certifying Company, the   implementing  DSC

               Encryption with Digital Signature

               ln many digital                                                       spoof identity of sender
                                                                                     and sent that data to
            communications,  it is
            desirable  to exchange                                                   third  party. Hence, this
                                                 Erxrwli*rt usiug                    method  is not preferred.
            an encrypted  messages                                      Encrypted Sata
                                               gerewr:{s  puhlic  keY        +
            than  plaintext to achieve                                               The process of encryPt-
                                                                        Digl,tal Sgnature
            confi dentiality.  ln public                                             then-sign is more reliable
            key encryption  scheme,                  lla*\dr:q                       and widely adopted.
            a public (encryption)  key               Funrl,i*n                       This is depicted in the
            of sender  is available  in                                              following illustration  -
            open domain, and hence                                 *16;*al *ignalure  with
            anyone can spoof his                                   Sendels  prlvet* key  The receiver  after
            identity and send any                                                    receiving  the encrypted
            encrypted  message  to  authentication  and non-  requirement.  There    data and signature on it,
            the receiver.           repudiation.             are two possibilities,  first verifies the signature
               This makes it essential  This can archived    sign-then-encrypt  and  using sender's  public
            for users employing  PKC  by combining digital   encrypt-then-sign.      key. After ensuring  the
            for encryption  to seek  signatures  with          Howeve6  the crYPto   validity  of the signature,
            digital signatures  along  encryption  scheme.   system based on sign-   he then retrieves  the
            with encrypted  data to  Let us briefly discuss  then-encrypt  can be    data through  decryPtion
            be assured of message   how to achieve this      exploited  by receiver  to  using his private key.

                                               [19)  IftI NEPAL  (]anuary  201,7)
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