Page 14 - ICT Nepal News Issue 01
P. 14
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inbd Dhakal
President, CAN Federation
"Government has not kept
ICT sector under priority"
0w safisfied atre you as an ln my viery our district branches What do Vou have to say on
entrepreneur? are highly active. As per the structure government's role in NePal's ICT
I was lucky that I got to visit of CAN Federation, we have four sect0r?
different countries and my finding was types of membership categorY-- Working in lT sector in NePal is
that career can be highly developed professiona I (individual)membership, not so easy because the sector is
in lT sector. ICT is a tool to simplify institutional membership, district not under government priority. Due
things. lt is human tendency not to members and sectorial membership. to low priority of government, there
be satisfied and so am l. However, We have given 30 percent weightage exists numerous problem in NePal's
it is a great achievement that I have each to professional, institutional and ICT sector like in export and import of
been able to create job for at least few district members while 10 percent software and lT equipmentand other
people. weightage has been given to sectorial procedural hurd les of thegovernment.
This is my biggest achievement membership. All our members are What I seeis that no one, not even the
as an entrepreneur. I am also happy com petitive and ca pable. government is taking responsibility
as I believe that I could take CAN to ln the bid to increase to develop lCf or any other sector.
a newer height. However, I am a bit competitiveness of our mem bers,take Many political people came to
worried about future leadership of lT among people in remote areas and leadership,but truly speaking,nobody
CAN. increase lT awareness among people, came to lead the nation or anY other
we have started holding CAN lnfoTech sector with leadershiP qualitY in
As you talked about expanding in all five development regions. him/her. We have seen that a single
district branehes of CAN Federation, Wehave been holding the event in leader can develop the country like
how have you ensured of a capable Pokhara, Butwal, Biratnagar, Sunsari, as in Singapore and Malaysia. But this
repnesentative in district branclres? Kailali, among other districts. never happened in Nepal. Similarly,
t14l ItTlNEPAL f]anuary 20L7)