Page 11 - ICT Nepal News Issue 02
P. 11

government  agencies find lot of difficulties  in the smooth
                                                                2     Luxembourg         43,940           2
         implementation  of e- government  in Nepal because  of low
                                                                3     Switzerland        39,880           4
         literacy, low per capita income, insufficient  infrastructure
                                                                4    United States       37,6!0
         and limited  financial resource.                                                                 5
                                                                5       Japan            34,510           7
         5.1: Low literocy                                      6   United  Kingdom      28,350          12
            Literacy  is defined as the ability to read and write with  7  Germany       25,250          22
         understanding in any language. A person  who can merely  8    Canada            23,930          24
         read but cannot write is not classified  as literate.  Any  9  Australia        2L,650          27
         formal  education or minimum  educational standard is not
                                                               10     Swaziland          1,350           127
         necessary  to be considered  literate. Georgia is the country
                                                               L1       China            L,100           133
         having  100 percent literacy rate and at
                                                               12     Sri Lanka           930            L40
            1st rank in the list of Iiteracy  (Table:  2). Literacy level of
                                                               13       lndia             530            150
         Nepal is 48.6 percent  and ranked 1,62 in the list and Mali
                                                               L4      Pakistan           470            L66
         is having literacy  level 24 percent  is the lowest rever in
         literacy level (176).                                 15     Bangladesh          400            L74
                                                               16       Nepal             240            L92
         Toble  2: Literocy rate of select countries.          L7      Ethiopia           90             208
                                                             (  So u r c e : htt p  :  //w  w w. s u cce s s- o n d - c u I t u r e. n et/o rti  c I e s/
            1,         Georgia          100.0        1,      pe rco p ita i n co m e.shtm I  )
            2           Cuba            99.8         2
            3           Russia          99.4        t2       5.3 : Limited  finonciol  Resource
            4          Australia        99.0        18          The Gross Domestic Product  (GDp) is one of the
                                                             measures  of national income  and output for a given
            5          Canada           99.0        1_8
                                                             country's economy.  GDP is defined as the total market
            6         Germany           99.0        18
                                                             value of all final goods and services  produced within  the
            7           Japan           99.0        18
                                                             country  in a given period of time (usually  a calendar  year).
            8        Switzerland        99.0        18
                                                             GDP of a country is the measure  of its financial  strength.
            9       United  Kingdom     99.0        18       United States is having  the highest GDp in the world
            10       United States      99.0        18       followed  by China, Japan, Germany, United  Kingdom
           1,1          China           99.9        86       (Table  4) and lndia with GDP L,825,00O million US  S is at
           12         Sri Lanka         90.7        87       rank 10th (Table  4). Nepal with GDp 19,42Omillion  US 5  is
           13         Swaziland         79.6        124      at rank 108th (Table   ).
           L4           lndia           61.0        747
           15         Pakistan          49.9       160      Tqble 4: GDP of select  countries in 2072  given by the CIA
                                                            World Fqct book
           1.6         Nepal            48.6       L62
           t7           Mali            24.0       t76                                               Egll,
                                                               1       United States     15,690,000
        (  So u r ce : htt p :  //e  n.w i ki p e d i o. o r g  /w  i k i  /  Li st_of_co u nt r i e s
                                                               2          China           8,227,000     2
                                                               3          Japan           5,964,000     3
                                                               4         Germany          3,40L,000     4
        5.2 : Low per copito income
                                                               5          France          2,609,000     5
           Per capita income means how much each individual
                                                               6      United  Kingdom     2,441",000
        receives, in monetary terms, of the yearly income                                               6
        generated  in the country.  This is what each citizen is to  7    Brazil          2,396,OOO     7
        receive if the yearly national income is divided equally  8       Russia          2,053,000     8
        among  everyone.  Per capita income is usually  reported  9      Canada           l_,919,000    1,1
        in units of currency  per year.  Globally  Bermuda  has the  10   lndia           1,925,000     10
        highest per capita income followed by Luxembourg.  lndia                          'J,,542,000
                                                              17        Australia                       12
        is at 160th rank in with 530 USS average per capita  income
                                                              L2       Switzerland        632,400       20
        (Table  3).
                                                              13         Pakistan         23L,gOO       44
        Toble 3: Notional Average  per  Copito lncome of select  1.4    Sri Lanka          59,4L0       71,
                                                              15          Nepal
       countries  t                                                                        19,420      108
                                                            (  S o u rc e : htt p :  //e  n.w i k i  p e d i o. o rg  /w  i k i  /  Li st_of_co u n t r i e s_
          1  |   Bermuda            N/A             L       by_GDP_(nominol)   )

                                          [11) m NEPAL  (Vol-1-, Issue-2,  ZO1,T)
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