Page 10 - ICT Nepal News Issue 02
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and subcomponent  of the Project will be assigned   PSC will meet regularly at least twice a year, or more
           an implementing  agency as follows:  (i) for the rural  often if necessary, to set the direction  for overall  project
           e-community  component, the Ministry of lnformation  and  implementation, guide the PMU on specific  project
           Communications  (MOIC); (ii) for the government  network  implementation issues, and resolve  any dispute  between
           component, the Ministry of Environment,  Science and  the PMU and the project  implementation  agencies.
           Technology (MOEST); (iii) for the enterprise  architecture
           subcomponent,  HLCIT; (iv) for the national identification  4. Nepal's Position on e-Readiness
           system subcomponent,  the Ministry of Home Affairs;  (v)  e-Readiness is the ability to use lnformation  and
           for the e-governance  in the Public Service Commission  Communication  Technologies (lCT) to  develop  one's
           subcomponent,  the Public Service Commission;  (vi)  economy and to foster one's welfare. Each year, the
           for the land records management subcomponent, the   Economist lntelligence Unit produces a  ranking of
           Ministry of Land Reform and Management;  (vii) for the  e-readiness across countries, based on six pillars of
           vehicle  registration  and driver's licenses  subcomponent,  e-readiness: connectivity & technology infrastructure,
           the Ministry of Labor and Transport  Management;  and  business environment,  social & cultural  environment,
           (viii) for the human  resources  development  component,  legal environment, government policy & vision and
           the Ministry  of General Administration.            consumer & business adoption. Nepal  is at 164 positions
              Project implementation  units  (PlUs) will be named by  with e-readiness  in 20!2.
           the various lmplementing Agencies for their respective
           components and subcomponents,  as follows: NITC, for  Tqbte 7: e-Government  reqdiness  ronkings  for  southern  Asio
           the government  network component  and the government
           representation  portal subcomponent; the Department
           of Land Reforms  and Management,  for the land records  Country   20L2      20LO    20L2      20LO
           management subcomponent;  and the Department  of     Maldives     0.4994    0.4392  95        92
           Transport  Management,  for the vehicle registration and  lran    0.4876    o.4234  100       102
           driver's  licenses subcomponent. For other components  Sri Lanka  o.4357    0.0.3995  L15     1.t7
           and subcomponents,  the lmplementing Agency will     lndia        0.3829    0.3567   125      119
           establish  a PIU headed  by a project  manager.  The PlUs will  Bangladesh  0.2991  0.3028  150  134
           be established  within one month  of effectiveness  and will  Bhutan  0.2942  0.2598  152     L52
           (i) coordinate with the contractors and monitor the day-to-
                                                                Pakistan     0.2823    0.2755   156      t46
           day progress of project management  and implementation,
                                                                Nepal        0.2664    0.2568   L64      153
           (ii) prepare fund withdrawal applications and submit
                                                                Afghanistan  o.L70L    0.2098   184      1.68
           them to the PMU under the OPMCM for endorsement,
           (iii) prepare monthly project  progress  reports and submit  Sub Region  o.3464  0.3248
           them to the PMU under OPMCM,  (iv) take charge of
                                                                World  Average  o.4882  0.4406
           procurement for their respective  areas of assignment,
           and (v) keep the project accounts  and prepare  the annual  (Source: united Notions e-Gov. Survey  2012, Page 26,
           reports.                                            Toble LL7)
              Overall  project implementation  will be supervised
           by a project steering  committee  (PSC). The PSC will be  5. Challenges for lmplementation  of e- Government  in
           established within one month of effectiveness, will have  Nepa!
           the chief secretary of OPMCM  as chair, and will comprise  lmplementation  of  e- Government has changed
           the project director  (vice-chair), the secretaries of MOIC  the way of living of the people in many countries.
           and MOESI, the member-secretary  of HLCII, and the  However, in Nepal the implementation of e-Government
           executive director of NITC (committee  secretary). The  is little difficult because of its developing status. The

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