Page 12 - ICT Nepal News Issue 02
P. 12

I m prove the e-Govern ment reodi ness
                                                                 ln this stage,  the assessments  process  will improve the
                                                              e-Government  readiness  is development'
                                                                 Developing  the environment  for e-Government
                                   E-Governance                  ln this stage to formulate  of e-Government Action  plan
                                                              to meet the vision of e- government  implementation.
                                             {tit             I m ple m e ntoti on of e-G ove  rn me nt
                                                                 This is the final step of the conceptual framework  for
                                                              e-Government  imPlement.
          6. Conceptual Framework for lmplementation  of      This  is a conceptual  framework  and can be validated  in the
          e-Government                                        real life situation.
             According to  study of  e-Government  -readiness    A  conceptual  framework  for  e-government
          in Nepal and found the implementation  challenges   implementation  in NePal
          of e-Government  in Nepal. A conceptual  framework
          is  suggested for the effective  implementation  of  7. Conclusion
          e-government  in Nepal. The five stages  of the conceptual  ThusEconomistlntelligenceUnitdepictsthatthe
          framework  is suggested  as follows:                e-readiness index of Nepal is low. According to this
                                                              study the implementation  of e-Government  in Nepal
          vision ond Action  plon  for  e-government implementation  found various challenges. The main challenges are like
             ln the stage  the vision and action  plan for the effective  low literacy, low per capita income, and limited financial
          implementation of e-Government  has to be determined.  resource.  A vision  and leadership  is required  to implement
          ln this level it is planned  that to what extend the  the e-Government  in Nepal. To meet the vision the
          e-government  can be imPlemented.                    challenges  in the implementation  of e-government  should
                                                               be overcome  and needs to be developed  e-Government
          F ra m ew o rk  fo  r e -G ov e rn m e nt re a d i ness  Asses  s m e nt  action plan for  the  effective implementation  of
             ln this stage to fulfill the vision the e-Government  e-government.  A conceptual  framework  is developed  to
          readiness  of Nepal should be assessed. ln this stage  meet implementation  of e-Government  in Nepal
          compared  with respect to  other countries.  From      ShokyoisfromtheDeportmento|Electronics
          this analysis,  the ground picture about the need for  dnd Computer  Engineering,  tnstitute Of Engineering'
          e-Government  readiness assessment  and the various  Tribhuvan  tJniversity, He can be contocted  dt (drss@ioe.
          options  available to the developing countries  becomes

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                                              t12)  IftI NEPAL  [Vol-L,  Issue-2,  2017)
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