Page 16 - Third Issue
P. 16


                                                  “Discovering the Dark

                                                     Side: The Impact of

                                             Cyber Security on Mental


                                            security. Cyberbullying, identity   protection against cyber dangers
                                            theft, fraud, online harassment,    can cause long-term worry and
                                            and other types of digital abuse    anxiety, negatively impacting
                                            can have serious effects on our     one’s general mental well-being.
                                            mental health.   Our emotional,     Understanding and dealing with
                                            psychological, and social well-     the dark side of cyber security’s
                                            being are referred to as our        impact on mental health is one of
          Shreyan                           mental health. It includes our      the dark side of cyber security on
                                            feelings, ideas, behaviors, and     mental health is so necessary.
                       umerous technical    entire mental state. It affects     One of the main worries people
                       developments         our everyday thoughts, feelings,    have in the digital era is the
                       made possible        and actions, influencing our        risk of privacy breaches. It is
                       by the digital age   relationships, work performance,    impossible to emphasize the
        Nhave completely                    and general quality of life.        psychological stress caused by
        changed how we interact with        Mental health is just as important   identity theft, unwanted access
        one another, work, and live. But    as physical health for our well-    to personal information, and
        there is a darker reality beyond    being. A good mental health state   losing control over one’s data.
        the surface of this bright new      enables us to deal with stress,     People are prone to sadness
        world of being connected and        sustain strong relationships, and   and a sense of insecurity due to
        at ease. A new set of difficulties   contribute productively to society.   a lack of trust, ongoing concern
        has emerged as a result of the      It includes having a good self-     over potential breaches, and
        increase in cyber threats and the   image, a feeling of purpose, and    powerlessness in the face of
        continuing struggle to protect our   the capacity to properly control   cyber-attacks. In the digital
        online presence; these issues       emotions. Mental health is more     track, cyberbullying, and online
        go beyond data breaches and         than just the absence of mental     harassment are on the rise
        monetary loss.  Here, we will       disease; it also includes the       and are leaving their victims
        look deeply into the relationship   existence of positive mental well-  with several psychological
        between cyber security and          being, adaptability, and optimism.    wounds. Cyberbullying has a
        mental health, exposing the                                             negative impact psychological
        unforeseen consequences             The dark side of cyber-security     impact that cannot be ignored.
        that put people at risk for         poses a huge danger to our          Victims frequently feel a variety
        psychological disease including     mental well-being in our digital    of negative feelings, such as
        feeling anxious and depressed.      age when technology has become  sadness, anxiety, and a strong
                                            a fundamental component             sensation of loneliness. Their
        The Shadowy foundation of the       of our life. Cyber dangers,         mental health is harmed, and
        digital world is represented by     such as cyberbullying, online       their sense of self-worth is
        the dark side of cyber-security     harassment, identity theft, and     damaged by the continual
        when people and organizations       fraud, can have serious effects     abuse of harsh words, public
        engage in harmful acts that         on our mental health. For initial   humiliation, and online threats.
        cause serious harm. It includes     reasons, victims of cyberbullying   A strong feeling of helplessness
        a wide range of cyber threats       and inline harassment frequently    and hopelessness can result
        and harmful activities that         report higher levels of anxiety,    from the feeling that you are
        target individuals and exploits     sadness, and social isolation.      continuously the victim of online
        their weaknesses. The adverse       Second, Victims of identity         abuse and being unable to stop
        effects and psychological impact    theft and scams may feel risk,      it. Online Security is a topic
        resulting from online threats and   mistrust, and fear, leading to      that has seen an increase in
        malicious activity are referred     increased stress and anxiety.       panic and anxiety due to the
                                            Third, the ongoing requirement for  complexity of cyber-attacks.
        to as the dark side of cyber-
  16                                          ICT NEPAL (Issue-3, 2023)
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