Page 18 - Third Issue
P. 18

Securing Your Social Media Accounts:

          Use and Misuse of social media platforms

                                             entire lives are online. We share   can have negative impacts,
                                             a lot of personal information       such as identity theft and
                                             online, which makes it easy for     cyberstalking. Fortunately, there
                                             hackers and other criminals         are many steps we can take
                                             to take advantage of us. It         to safeguard our social media
                                             is now more important than          accounts. Using the same
                                             ever to protect our social          password for many accounts
                                             media accounts due to the           may seem appealing, but doing
                                             massive amounts of private          so puts them all at risk of being
                                             information we publish on           hacked, making it easier for
                                             these networks. Compromised         hackers to access our other
                                             social media accounts face the      accounts. Each account we
                                             danger of facilitating identity     use needs a unique, secure
                                             theft or having other negative      password. Along with the
                                             consequences. Hackers               use of strong passwords and
                                             are continuously seeking            two-factor authentication, we
                                             weaknesses to exploit. We           can secure our social media
                                             should take the necessary           accounts by routinely updating
                                             steps to secure our accounts to     our privacy settings. We need
                 ocial Media is an           protect our personal information    to make sure that the only data
                 online platform             and preserve our online privacy.    we want to make public is the
                 that people use to                                              subject should be the goal of
                 communicate, connect        The rising dependence on            a routine examination of these
        Ssocially, and exchange
        information. Examples of this
        include websites like Facebook,
        Twitter, Instagram, and
        LinkedIn. Along with the rapid
        growth of mobile and internet
        technology, social media has
        fundamentally altered how we
        connect and communicate in
        modern life. Social media has
        become a significant part of our
        daily life. To connect with others,
        share information, and stay
        up to date on current events,
        millions of people use a variety
        of platforms, and its popularity
        has grown over time. However,
        there is much more misuse
        of social media than its uses.
        These include the possibility
        of addiction, cyberbullying,
        and the rapid spread of false
                                             social media does demand            settings. Avoiding behaviors
        Social networking is now a           enhanced safety precautions.        that hackers use to access our
        significant aspect of our lives      We need to secure our social        accounts includes accepting
        in the digital age. Securing         accounts if we want to guard        friend requests from strangers,
        our social media accounts is         against online hazards like         clicking on suspicious links,
        crucial in the digital age we        malware, phishing, and identity     and downloading unexpected
        currently live in, where our         theft. There are risks, and they    attachments. We can better
  18                                          ICT NEPAL (Issue-3, 2023)
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