Page 19 - Third Issue
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safeguard our online presence        purposes, reuniting with friends    share and advertise their work.
        and defend against cyberattacks      and family, or creating new         Various businesses include
        by using necessary safeguards.       relationships. Social media has     social media in their marketing
        Another step we can take             largely replaced traditional news   efforts to reach a bigger
        to protect our social media          and information sources for         audience. Businesses may
        accounts is to frequently review     many people. To stay current        interact with clients, promote
        our privacy settings. By doing       on events, and trends, and          their goods and services,
        this, we will be able to control     have interests, users can follow    and build brand awareness
        who can message us, see our          news sources, organizations,        with the help of social media.
        posts, and access our private        and influencers. Inaccurate         Social media advertising also
        data. Even if we think that only     information can spread quickly      enables targeted marketing
        our friends will be able to see      on social networking sites, it      based on user demographics
        our profile, it is necessary to      is crucial to check it before       and interests. Social media has
        remember that there may still        taking it at face value. On social   been essential in increasing
        be security issues. We must          media networks, there are a         public awareness of social
        examine our privacy settings         wide variety of entertainment       issues. Users can express their
        and make adjustments to              options. Users can view videos,     views, participate in debates,
        ensure that only persons we          broadcast live events, listen to    plan events, and donate to
        trust are receiving our sensitive    music, watch music, participate     different charities, giving voice
        information. We need to be           in online groups based on their     to underrepresented groups
        aware of any unrecognizable          interests and hobbies, and          and fostering social change.
        login attempts and any illegal       watch and listen to videos.         People have a platform to
        modifications to our account         The sharing and promotion of        express themselves creatively
        settings as a result.                content creators’ work have         all due to social media. People
                                             also shifted to social media.       can connect with others who
        Engaging and communicating           There are a wide variety of         share their interests by sharing
        with one another has                 entertainment options. Users        their writing, photography, and
        fundamentally changed our            can view videos, broadcast          other kinds of expression. This
        way of using social media,           live events, listen to music,       promotes self-development,
        providing us with a wealth           watch music, participate in         curiosity, and a sense of
        of advantages and chances.           online groups based on their        belonging. Social networking
        Regardless of distance, it gives     interests and hobbies, and          sites frequently incorporate tools
        people a platform to connect                                             that let companies sell goods
        with friends, family, coworkers,                                         directly to users, fostering the
        and acquaintances. Users                                                 growth of online shopping and
        can keep in touch with their                                             e-commerce.
        networks regarding life events
        and changes by updating social                                           Social media has impacted
        media platforms.                                                         several aspects of society
                                                                                 and has become a necessary
        Social media                                                             component of our life. Here are
        platforms have                                                           some common uses for social
        completely changed                                                       media:
        networking and
        communication.                                                           1.  Connecting and Interacting
        They provide a                                                           2.  Sharing life moments and
        virtual environment                                                          updates
        where users can                                                          3.  Networking and career
        participate, talk,                                                           advancement
        and connect with                                                         4.  Consumption of news and
        people from around                                                           information
        the world. Social                                                        5.  Utilization of content and
        media platforms                                                              entertainment
        offer a quick and                                                        6.  Finding and Pursuing
        efficient way to                                                             Interests
        interact, whether                                                        7.  Promoting a business
        it is for personal                   watch and listen to videos.             through marketing
        or professional                      Social networking is a common       8.  Online shopping and online
        networking                           place for content creators to           business
                                              ICT NEPAL (Issue-3, 2023)
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