Page 23 - Cloud Chronicles Fifth Issue
P. 23

landscape, comply         Vulnerability management
            with legal obligations,   can help reduce risks in
            and improve risk          the public cloud, improve
            management. Data          incident response,
            segmentation and          implement corrective
            classification also help in   measures, and enhance
            implementing appropriate   security protocols.
            storage, access controls,
            and handling procedures.  Employment
            Regular Backups:          Staff should be educated
            Regular backups are       on cloud security risks,
            essential for protecting   data handling policies,
            against data loss,        and recommended
            accidental deletion, and   practices. Public
            ransomware attacks.       awareness of phishing
            Stored securely and       and social engineering
            tested, they ensure data   is crucial, emphasising
            availability and integrity,   strong passwords and   Evaluation of Cloud     adds an essential layer
            allowing quick restoration,   secure login procedures.   Providers:          of protection, ensuring
            preserving business       Proper education          Select a reputable       that even if unauthorised
            operations, and reducing   helps employees make     cloud service provider   access occurs, the data
            downtime.                 informed decisions,       with robust security     remains unreadable.
                                      understand data types,    practices, accreditations,   Strong Identity and
            Security Monitoring:      safe handling, and risks   and compliance          Access Management
            Utilise reliable security   associated with data    standards, and ensure    (IAM) practices play a
                                                                transparency through
            monitoring and logging    sharing.                  transparency reports,    pivotal role in controlling
            solutions to swiftly detect                         audits, or independent   who can access cloud
            and respond to security   Strong Access             assessments.             resources, following
            incidents. Analyse user   Control:                                           the principle of least
            behaviour, network traffic,   Access control is                              privilege to limit access
            and activity logs for     crucial for secure cloud   Incident Response       to only what’s necessary.
            suspicious or malicious   environments, limiting    Planning:                Ensuring secure
            activity. Real-time visibility   user access to tasks   Develop a comprehensive   configurations is crucial,
            aids in incident response   and adhering to the     incident response        as misconfigurations can
            and forensic analysis,    least privilege principle.   strategy for data     expose vulnerabilities,
            enabling understanding of   Regular audits and      breaches, outlining      and continuous monitoring
            data and system effects.  updates eliminate unused   roles, responsibilities,   and logging provide real-
                                      privileges and prevent    communication channels,   time visibility into potential
            Vulnerability             unauthorised access.      and regular drills.      threats and incidents.
            management:               It’s a key component      Include procedures       Routine backups are
                                                                for investigation,
                                                                                         essential for data recovery
            To maintain cloud         of a comprehensive        containment, and         in case of unexpected
            security, follow your     cloud security strategy,   recovery. Regularly test   events. Offering security
            service provider’s advice   complemented by         and update the plan,     awareness training to
            on security patches and   consistent patching,      especially for cloud     staff fosters a security-
            updates. Regularly scan   reliable data backup, and   security.              conscious culture, and
            your infrastructure for   disaster recovery plans.                           conducting regular
            flaws and apply necessary                           In the public cloud,     security assessments
                                                                safeguarding data is     helps identify and
                                                                paramount, and achieving   mitigate vulnerabilities.
                                                                robust data security     Staying informed about
                                                                hinges on several        new developments in
                                                                key strategies. Firstly,   cloud security ensures
                                                                understanding the shared   that your organisation
                                                                responsibility model is   can adapt to emerging
                                                                fundamental, as it clarifies   threats and technologies.
                                                                the delineation of security   Overall, a proactive
                                                                 responsibilities between   and comprehensive
                                                                   the cloud provider    approach to cloud security
                                                                    and the organisation.   significantly reduces
                                                                    Implementing data    risks and fortifies data
                                                                     encryption, both at   protection in the public
                                                                     rest and in transit,   cloud.

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