Page 22 - Cloud Chronicles Fifth Issue
P. 22


            Suman Thapaliya

                      Cloud Security Matters:

                    Safeguarding your data in the

                                                public cloud

                        loud security    To safeguard data         authentication helps      digital signatures.
                        refers to the    in the public cloud,      to lower this risk by     Encrypting data within
                        practices,       organisations should      introducing an additional   the internal network adds
               Cresources, and           implement robust          layer of verification for all   extra security.
                standards used in cloud   encryption mechanisms,   users, including internal
                computing  environments   strong Identity and Access  staff members.         Data classification
                to safeguard hardware,   Management practices,                               and Segmentation:
                software, and information.   secure configurations,   Data Encryption:       Data classification
                Cloud security involves   regular security         Encrypting data at rest   helps organisations
                several layers of        assessments, continuous   and in transit is crucial for   prioritise security efforts
                protection, starting with   monitoring, and updated   preventing breaches and   and allocate resources
                physical security in     backups. Security         maintaining control. Cloud   efficiently. It categorises
                data centres. It ensures   awareness training for   service providers offer   data based on importance
                the safety of sensitive   employees and staying    server-side encryption,   and sensitivity, ensuring
                data, privacy, accuracy,   informed about cloud    fostering trust and       separate, secure
                and unauthorised         security threats are also   confidence. Encryption   information. This helps
                access. It focuses on    crucial. By implementing   ensures data integrity,   organisations adapt their
                data security during     these measures            using cryptographic           security measures
                use and transfer, using   proactively, organisations   hash                        to changes in
                robust authentication    can enhance their data    functions                              their data
                measures like multi-     security posture, mitigate   or
                factor authentication, and   risks, and safeguard
                effective access control   critical information
                measures. Cloud security
                is crucial for businesses   Strong
                and individuals in today’s   Authentication:
                digital world, as it allows   Strong authentication
                easy resource scaling    is crucial for data
                and compliance with      protection in
                legal regulations.Cloud   public clouds
                security involves threat   and compliance
                detection, monitoring,   with security
                and incident response    regulations. It uses
                planning to protect      time-based passwords
                against cyberthreats like   or account lockouts
                ransomware attacks and   to prevent brute-force
                unauthorised access,     attacks and ensures
                crucial for businesses and   authorised users access
                individuals in the digital   cloud services from
                world.                   remote locations. Strong

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